Chapter Twelve - Time to get Sober

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"....." I heard a voice but couldn't make out the words, the fuck is this?

I tried to open my eyes, to move, but nothing was happening

I felt a warmth on my right hand, and a slight tingle. James.

I tried my hardest to squeeze my right hand, and something must've worked because I heard shouting, someone calling for a nurse, and more commotion

I was eventually able to open my stupid eyes only for them to close instantly, fuckin bright lights. Was I in a hospital? Fuck this; I opened my eyes fully, ignoring the sting from the lights, just in time for the nurse to arrive

"Ah Nicole! It's nice to see you awake and well," she said and smiled warmly at me, I didn't respond. I wasn't trying to be rude, I just needed to know why I was here is all.

"Why am I here?" I asked calmly

"It appears that you've been drinking a scary amount of alcohol. You had gotten alcohol poisoning, and we had to pump your stomach, your liver is not destroyed, yet. But I would strongly recommend going to rehab for this, since it appears to be an addiction," she spoke a soft tone

"Do not tell me what to do with my life lady. I'll decide when I've had too much alcohol!" I shouted at her, then sighed and looked down at my lap and put my head in my hands and brought my knees up, resting my elbows on them.

You can't blame me for gettin' angry, nobody wants to be told that they're addicted to something. It's an instant piss off.

"Nic, please get help.." I heard Jamie whisper from my right, I solemnly looked down at him, nodding only slightly.

"Only if you'll do it with me, I want us all to be sober." I said and looked up at the boys, seeing one of them nod in agreement after the other. I smiled at them, then turned to the nurse.

"Okay, I'll get help. We'll get help..wait! What about the tour?" I asked, turning to look at James

"I'll take care of that, don't worry Nic. Right now we are all addicted to alcohol and we need to not be, let's focus on that for now," Lars said and I smiled gratefully up at him

"When can I leave?" I asked the nurse, squinting at her name tag which read Linda. Pretty name.

"Well you'll be brought to a sort of rehabilitation centre. The boys too." Linda paused

"But to answer your question, a few days, just so we can keep an eye on you," she said and I smiled a small smile

"Thank you, Linda. But for now I think I'm just going to try and take a nap," I paused, scooted over on the bed and looked at James, and motioned for him to lay on the bed with me

"Come up here. Please," I said in a whisper

I just needed James with me.

He smiled and almost instantly took off his shoes, leather jacket and laid down beside me,

"I'll leave you guys be for now, but I'll be back to check on you in a bit, okay?" Linda said and I nodded, smiling gratefully at her.

I've been addicted to alcohol since I was 14, and to be honest? I was glad I wasn't going to need it anymore.

Okay so I know you were probably expecting a longer chapter, and it was going to be but I cut it in half and the next chapter will be the other half plus more because that'll be when they're going to rehab. But uh lemme know how this chapter was, okay?

Fade To Blackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें