Chapter 11

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So the next week came a lot faster than we would've liked it to, but time is gonna pass whether ya want it to or not,

"James it's gonna go great! Yer gonna do amazing!" I said as we were loading our things onto the bus, and I'll admit, James wasn't the only one freaking out about this. Like I was gonna tell him that though

"Are you sure? Jeez how do ya always have so much faith in us?" He asked me as we carried the last few bags onto the bus and were checking to make sure everyone had everything they needed, then we sat down as the driver started the bus and started to drive away,

"Wait!" Cliff shouted as he jumped out of the bus, barely giving the driver time to stop as he ran into our house and minutes later came running out carrying his jean jacket and my teddy bear that the guys know I can't sleep without, I smiled

"Almost forgot this" he said as he gestured to his jacket and my teddy bear, as he passed it to me, making James chuckle and grin at me

"Okay now we can go" he said and we drove away for real this time,

"Anyways James, I have had faith in you guys since the day I met you and the guys however long ago, and I'll never stop" I said and put my hand over his, trying to comfort him, as I thought about the past. I couldn't believe it's already been nearly three years since I met the guys. Since I met them when I was 17 and now they're 20 and I'm 19. I guess touring and constantly making new music can make time seem like nothing.

It was 1984 now, not much as changed aside from the boys getting more known, although it was hard since no radio would play them and they didn't do music videos. I mean who would want to? Lip syncing and fake playing instruments? No thank you

I eventually dozed off as we travelled towards our first destination, which I forgot the name of already, but oh well

I felt myself being shook awake, I looked up groggily to see James peering down at me, "Nicky, we're at the venue! Come on it's gonna be reaaaal fun!" He said with a huge grin on his face, hearing that we were at the venue woke me right up!

I stumbled over to the fridge thing we had in here and pulled out a beer, passing one to James and we chugged them back before grabbing another and walking off the bus, catching up with the guys and walking into the venue. Feeling more pumped up the further we got into the building until we reached the stage

I pulled James close and wrapped my arms around him and wished him luck before lightly shoving him towards the stage after giving him his favourites guitar,

Watching the boys play was always going to be one of my favourite things to do, even when we're all grey and old, I'll still sit down and listen to whatever they wanted to play, whenever, and wherever.

The entire performance was mesmerizing, although I didn't quite get to see it until the end because before I knew it I completely blacked out with my beer spilling on my clothes as I hit the hard stage floor, the last thing I heard being, "Nicole!" And hearing about 4 sets of footsteps coming closer to me..

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