Chapter Six

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So, as I was walking to math, the only class I have without James might I add, Dave bumped into me, rather roughly by the way.

"Okay you seriously need to watch where your going David," I said to him, in a rude tone.

"I need to? Your the one running into me, bitch" He said to me, I growled.

"Don't call me that, fuck what happened to you, you used to be caring and loving and now, your the opposite. What in the fuck," I said to him, he shrugged and walked away, leaving me alone in front of the door to the math classroom, now the only reason I like math class is because it's taught by my favorite teacher, Mr. Charles, he was a young teacher so he understood me pretty well, I couldn't wait to tell him about James and the boys.

I opened the door and due to my quote unquote conversation with Dave, I was now late. Fuck. Please forgive me Mr. Charles.

Everyone was staring at me, shieet. I quickly scurried to my desk in the back of the classroom near the window which was in the corner, Mr. Charles was eyeing me suspiciously, he knew I was never late unless it was an emergency.

Eventually the class bell rang and I was so close to exiting the classroom when I was called back by Mr. Charles, well shit.

"Nicole, a word with you please," I sighed and made my way over to his desk.

"Yes?" I simply question.

"Why were you late? Your never late, like ever," He said

"Oh right umm...well I got caught old friend wanted to say hi," I explained. It was technically true.

"So that bruise on your arm just appeared out of nowhere then?" He questioned. Damn I didn't even notice that Dave had grabbed my arm. Fuck.

"I ran into something," I lied

"Nicole I've known you for years, I can tell when your lying, even more so when your lying to protect someone, I understand if you don't want to talk about it right now, but we have to discuss this sooner or later." He said firmly, I sadly smiled.

"Oh but on the bright side, I met someone. His name is James, I'm not sure if he's my boyfriend or not but we are really close and I have strong feelings towards him. As for his three friends, Lars, Kirk, and Cliff, they're like brothers to me which makes me really happy. James knows about my secret, the other boys don't but if he didn't leave than maybe they won't either right? And there's a new kid Jason, I can tell he'll fit in with us," I said and he smiled at me

"That's great Nicole, that means he really wants to be with you. It also means you trusted him enough to tell him that secret. I mean hell it took you like 5 years just to tell me but I understand so," he said before pausing and speaking again "And yes I think they will stay, and about Jason that's great Nicole, I'm glad your finding friends now," he finished. I smiled at him and then left the classroom, James startled me by being right behind the door. I had almost hit him in the face with the door.

"Jesus James you scared me!" I said and lightly slapped his arm, he grinned at me. I must've looked really confused because he then explained further.

"So, Nicole, I see that you have strong feelings for me hmm?" He asked and I blushed.

"You heard my conversation with Mr. Charles?" I asked, James knew that I saw Mr. Charles as my uncle. So he didn't worry.

"Indeed I did and don't worry, the feelings mutual sweetheart, and how I feel for you will never, ever change for as long as we're alive. I promise," he said to me, I internally awed. It was honestly so cute. I think I may love him but I planned on waiting a bit longer to see how everything goes before I fully decide my feelings for him. I don't think he will like me for very long anyways. But who knows, I sincerely hope he will because I could honestly see myself being with him for a long time.

He grabbed my hand which pulled me back into reality, I was about to walk into a wall when he pulled me next to him. I grinned, "So, Dave approaches me right as I was going into the math room right?" I said and he nodded, looking a little pissed. "Well, he said I was a bitch and that I ran into him and that I should watch out even though he ran into me. I have a small bruise on my arm. Please don't freak out, the only reason I'm telling you this is because I trust you enough not to do anything stupid, or at least don't get caught doing anything because I honestly don't want you to get hurt James," I said all in a rush. And then hugged him, and he pulled me close to him and kissed the top of my head.

"Thank You for trusting me, it means a whole lot, and I won't do anything crazy, even if I do I'll let you know beforehand. Anyways the boys are awaiting us so let's go," he said and we headed off towards the cafeteria, where they were sitting at a table with two empty seats.

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