Chapter Fourteen - Cliff...

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"Go fish" I said tiredly with a yawn

"I want your bunk!" Cliff suddenly exclaimed while pointing at me and grinning maniacally and when I shook my head he began to argue slightly

I finally gave in, "Okay okay you can have my bunk buddy" I said before patting his shoulder and giving James a kiss, I went into the front of the bus with the driver and slowly fell asleep in the passenger seat.

I jumped awake to a skidding noise, panicking I looked every which way but it was too late. There was a big motion and the bus must have flipped onto it's side. All I could hear or focus on was smashing noises and yelling.
Then suddenly, it was still. Silent. More of an eerily quiet setting.

Then everybody began yelling again, but something was wrong.

I didn't hear Cliff.

I tore the seatbelt off of me and climbed out of the passenger seat as quickly as I could, frantically searching for James.

"James!" I yelled and ran at him once he was in my sight

He pulled me into a tight hug but I started balling

"Hey hey what's wrong? Everyone's okay" he reassured me. But I knew better. 

"Where's Cliff!?" I screamed

I was losing my mind, I knew something was wrong.

Suddenly James eyes filled with panic and terror. Two emotions I had never seen in him.

"Oh god..." he breathed out before grabbing my hand and running to the other side of the bus..

Where we found Cliff. Lying underneath the bus.

"No!!!" I screamed and fell to my knees, James doing the same a second later

All too quickly rage filled my sights as I saw our driver climb out of the bus

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? What happened!" I shouted at him, he looked terrified. Like a deer caught in headlights.

"I-I well there w-was black i-ice" he stuttered out, but he looked like he had just woken up.

"Bullshit!" I yelled and began walking in the other direction

"Kirk, Lars! Make sure that damned asshole stays here. James let's go" I yelled

"Where are we going?" James said while sniffling. I didn't blame him, I was full out balling. The wind was so cold that my face was freezing at this point.

"We're looking for that damn black ice that doesn't fuckin exist! That stupid man fell asleep behind the wheel Jamie I just know it! He killed our best friend. Our brother! He will be charged with vehicular man-slaughter. I have no doubt about it" I said angrily

I couldn't focus on anything. We had already walked over half a mile in the direction we came from. No black ice.

I was clenching my fists when we finally arrived back at the scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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