Chapter Nineteen | First World

Start from the beginning

It was an odd design for such a shop, but it likely showcased how long this particular establishment had been up-and-running. The bottom level, where they stood, seemed the oldest, with creaky floorboards and colour-fading walls that was practically hidden by the sheer amount of coils of fabric anyway. It was hard to believe this place existed within the walls of Xinshan, a place that seemingly had a strict control of everything, making sure everything was appealing.

If ZhangFeng praised the shop, then it must be strong enough to stand on its own two legs. It didn't have to cater to anyone's needs, as it likely provided in terms of product. ShuNing could also see that this was undoubtedly a man's shop, so there was also no need to dangle pretty jewels to entice women.

"Welcome to Gwangsan, young masters, how may I be of assistance?" An elderly man, older than all the men ShuNing had met in this world thus far, greeted them. His expression was devoid of any emotion as he held two rolls of different shades of fabric under his arm. He appeared in the middle of something, but still greeted them anyway.

"A custom design, two days." ZhangFeng responded briskly, and the elder man nodded his head slowly, then gestured it towards ShuNing.

"Just for yourself?"

ZhangFeng then looked to his companion, as if remembering that ShuNing was with him. Their eyes met, one scrutinising closely with a pinched expression, whilst the other might as well have had question-marks floating around his head.

"Have him measured and then brought a fabric list to choose from, there's no need for two floors, we can share." ZhangFeng decided all himself, clearly very experienced with how this place worked. ShuNing didn't dare to speak up, and just followed his companions footsteps.

The old man seemed to be completely fine with being dictated to, and told them to head up to the third floor. ZhangFeng didn't have to be told twice, manoeuvring up the stairs that creaked with every step. ShuNing tottered behind and as they reached the first floor, they had to cross over to reach the continuing staircase on the other side.

He got to see what it would be like though, as the first floor was already taken-up. Unlike the narrow downstairs, there was ample room up here. As all shops within Xinshan seem to be attached to one another, this place was stuck in between modern architecture. It didn't blend well, which made the whole layout appear quite defying-physics. With the additional space, more customer-based items had been added, like seating areas for those waiting and beverages. On this floor, the sofa was taken up by two ladies who were nattering amongst themselves until ShuNing and ZhangFeng appeared.

When a man stepped out from behind a divider, ShuNing quickly averted his eyes to ZhangFeng's back. The man had stepped out without anything on his torso, and even for men with exposed skin to strangers, it was taboo.

At least, maybe it only was to ShuNing as he wouldn't dare show anything off because he'd be eaten up by the many wolves of this world.

Thankfully on the second floor there only appeared to be one man, the customer, and he didn't even glance up when they appeared, as he was wrapped up pointing to different fabrics and the little employee ran back and forth.

When they reached the third floor, ShuNing was thankful. Though his physical constitution was well again, that in no means meant that he was fit. The staircase was narrow and vast, but they arrived just as ShuNing's breathing became heavier. He was able to mask it before he embarrassed himself further, as the older man behind him practically skipped up the stairs behind them.

"Your attendant will be with you momentarily, as for myself, if you need me then I am on the next floor up." He explained all whilst walking off with the weighty-wheels of fabric that proceeded to flatten ShuNing's non-existent macho-pride.

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