Love is pain

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It was past midnight. Newt couldn't sleep, mostly because of the jealousy rolling around in his head.

Sighing, he rose from the bed & made his way to the kitchen.


Tina couldn't sleep. She felt as if she was torn apart between the two men. It was silly, she & Jayden have been dating for a month, no wait... half a year, she & Newt on the other hand, have only been corresponding through mail for the past year.

Rolling out of bed, she went down the hall to the kitchen.


Newt stopped when he saw Tina in the kitchen already. She was drinking cocoa & staring out the window.

He tried to leave, but in his haste he stumbled & landed in a chair.

Turning around, Tina noticed her British guest falling into a chair & blushing profusely.

"Oh, Newt! Are you okay?" She said, stifling a giggle. Helping him up she asked him if he wanted tea or cocoa.

"Tea, please" Newt mumbled "If you have it, may I please have-" "Earl Grey, your favourite" Tina smiled then went & busied herself in the kitchen.

Newt was surprised she knew his preferred drink. Although, every time he was offered a beverage by the sisters last year, he would ask for it but that was long ago.

Tina passed the cup to Newt & they just stood in the kitchen, admiring the city through the window & enjoying each other's company.


Tina rinsed the cups & Newt dried them. After putting them away, they fell into an uncomfortable silence.

"Erm- thank you for the drink" Newt grinned lopsidedly.

Taking a step closer to him, Tina just smiled.

They grew closer. Their faces leaning in, pulling them together like a giant magnet. Newt tucked her hair behind her ear & she bit her lip.

Closer. Closer. Closer. Their faces were inches apart, the room grew hot. Tilting heads, they leaned just a little more &....


I'm gonna just leave it there. I know evil right? Yes it's short. I know that. I'm lazy, ok? Don't come for me. I hope you enjoyed it my faithful & limited amount of readers!!

- Fangurl_700

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