" Dad, you're making strange noises again," Robin informed.

" It's called singing Robin," their dad informed.

" People do it when they're in a good mood," Alice added.

" Oh sorry," Dad apologized. " Good mood, hope she is not confusing you with my complicated technical jargon."

" Ha-ha," Robin said. " It's a small drama inside without Kendal Mint Cake," Robin informed.

" What?" Dad gasped. " We can't have a Branagh family tradition expedition without Kendal Mint Cake. This is a disaster! He went back into the house. " Elizabeth!" Robin then bent down and grabbed climbing items.

" What are you doing?" Alice demanded.

" It's what we are doing," Robin corrected.

" What are we doing?" Alice asked, hoping for a good answer.

" We are climbing up the tallest tower and getting inside the castle," Robin answered.

" Wouldn't that be considered breaking and entering," Alice reminded him. 

" Only if they take it badly," Robin said. " Come on." He then looked at the yellow rope. " I wished they did this stuff in black." He then dragged back up the road to the home of the new neighbors.

" I really do not want to get arrested," Alice said as they stood outside the castle.

" We won't," Robin said, they looked up just as a red and black cape hit Robin knocking him to the ground. 

" Taken down by a cape," Alice laughed as she picked up the cape. "If vampires were real, you won't last a second."

" It's heavier than it looks," Robin said as he stood up, they looked at the cape. They saw the stitching, it had the words ' V. Dracula.' Robin's face lit up. " Vampires."

" Or that is just their last name," Alice popped his bubble.

" Only one way to find out," Robin stated as they faced the castle again. Together they got the hook thrown up and over the window. " You go first."

" Don't want to be the first reported for breaking and entering?" Alice asked.

" No," Robin answered. " Mum won't be as mad at you."

" Wimp," Alice rolled her eyes as they started to climb up the side of the tower. Minutes later Alice pulled herself up the ledge, she looked forward and saw a boy looking back at her.

" AHH!" the two screamed at each other, Alice started to fall; the boy got up and grabbed her.

" Got you," the boy said.

" Thanks," Alice said looking at him.

" Who are you two?" the boy asked as he looked at them.

" What a good time to have a discussion," Robin stated.  The boy helped the two into the room she turned and got a good look at the boy, he was wearing a blue and white striped shirt, orange pants, and a jacket.

" Shall I bite them master?" the stuffed wolf asked; Alice looked at it oddly. 

" Not yet," the boy answered, the dog then sniffed.

" Right," Vlad, you rancid little worm," a girl's voice sounded.

" Quick! Hide! Hide!" Vlad ordered as he shoved the two under his bed as the door opened.

" Ah here you are in my room," the girl said.

" It's not your room," the boy argued as the girl sniffed,

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