Chapter 1

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Alice would like to believe she lived a normal life. She had a stay-at-home mum, her dad who is a plumber, two idiot twin older brothers, a freakishly smart little sister, and a twin brother with a vampire obsession. Alice had a very laid-back style in clothing, she wore a lot of overalls, Queen shirts, converse, and her favorite grey beanie when not in school. She left her room to go to Robin's room, she opened the door as Robin fell from the ceiling.

" Robin," Alice groaned.

" Alice!" Robin scowled at her as she walked in, closing the door behind her.

" Can you go pack so we can go camping?" Alice pleaded.

" I hate camping," Robin reminded her.

" Robin," they heard their mother call as she banged on the door. " Robin."

" Face it, Mam did a good job with me, Paul, and Alice," they heard Ian announce.

" And me," Chloe added.

" Four out of five ain't bad," Ian joked

" Ian this isn't funny," their mum scolded. " He hasn't left his room all morning."

" And that's a bad thing? "Paul joked; lan laughed.

" If he doesn't come out no one's going camping," their mum confirmed before walking away from the door, Alice glared at Robin.

" I like that idea," Robin said. The other twins started to bang on Robin's door angrily.

" Oi! Nut-job, open up! Hurry up!" the twins ordered as they pounded on the door. They then looked out the window and saw an old, very dirty hearse, with luggage. 

" I think we have new neighbors," Alice stated.

" They are the ones that bought the castle probably," Robin stated as they watched the car drive away. " Let's go meet them."

" Robin, they just moved in," Alice reminded him. " Maybe we should let them settle in first."

" By the time we walk there, they will be settled in," Robin said before dragging her outside and up to the castle.

" Are you sure about this?" Alice asked.

" Absolutely," Robin answered causing Alice to roll her eyes.

" What should we say when they answer the door?" Robin asked. " Suck my blood? Have a haunting night?"

" I think we should start off with a welcome to the neighborhood," Alice answered. " Don't want to scare them off with your freakish obsession with vampires."

" It's not freakish," Robin argued.

" They aren't even real," Alice stated as she crossed her arms.

" Yes, they are," Robin argued back. 

" And where is the proof?" Alice asked as they walked up to the door of the castle.

" Hidden in a secret laboratory," Robin answered. He then smiled and rubbed his hands. " Time to meet the neighbors." Alice then knocked on the door; seconds later a man opened it. He had small patches of hair scattered on his head, very smelly and dirty.

" Not juicy enough," the man said as he looked at them. " Go away." He then closed the door.

" I don't think they want to meet us," Alice stated. " Time to go back home and go camping."

" I don't wanna go," Robin groaned as they started back home. When they got home they saw their dad packing and singing. Their dad turned around to see them both.

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