Beauty and the Beast AU: Part 1

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"My bride?"

"Yes, every king must have a queen shouldn't they?"

"Why yes I suppose they must."

Newton thought carefully as he spun Leta around "What about you Miss Lestrange?"


"Yes you. My oldest friend. Will you marry me? Be my queen?"

Leta laughed "Why I'd be honoured my king."


Suddenly, the great doors to the ballroom banged open revealing a poor shivering hideous old woman. 

The music and dancing stopped abruptly as all eyes turned towards her. Angry to have been interrupted, King Newton made his way to hunchback with Leta trailing behind. 

"What is your business here old hag? Can't you see we are quite busy here?" he snapped, emitting an unkind giggle from Miss Lestrange. 

The old woman rose her head to look at Newton, her bottom lip trembling "My King... please let me take shelter in your castle for this one night. My horse has run off, and it's a horrible snow storm outside. I have not much, but only a single rose to offer you. Please sir," The old woman pulled out a beautiful red rose out of her cloak, handing it to the man. 

Newton looked the rose over carefully, examining it's fine detail before Leta spoke up with a scoff. "Ha! You expect to be granted to stay here with only a single rose as payment? You must be joking!" 

The entire ballroom burst out into high society titters as all eyes fixed upon the new guest. Hearing the words of his new fiance, and the laughter of his friends, Newton smirked cruelly at the old woman. He dropped the single rose to the floor and smushed it with the heel of his shoe. 

"Be gone hag." he said waving her towards the doors "You have no place here with us." 

The room was silent as they watched the old woman gather the remains of the rose. She looked at the king and frowned deeply "You shouldn't have done that...." she murmured closing her eyes and muttering a spell. 

Before everyone's eyes, the old hag had transformed into a beautiful enchantress. Eyes wide open and mouths gasping in shock, the party guests all scattered. Racing out the door screaming for their lives, until only the king, Leta and the servants remained. 

"Newton Scamander." The Enchantress boomed "You have grown cold and egocentric. As punishment for your behaviour, I cast this spell on you. For from henceforth you shall forever remain as you are on the inside. A hideous beast."

The moment the words left her lips, a dreadful transformation began within Newton. 

He roared as his skin turned to fur, his nose turned to snout, and hands turned to claws. 

Leta screamed once she saw his new appearance, quickly she fled the room screaming mercy and monster. 

"Leta!" Newton roared, panic and pain settling in his chest "My Queen!"

The final words of the enchantress were "Keep the rose I have offered you safe, for it is an enchanted rose and your lifeline. If you can learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell will be broken. If not, you will be doomed to remain a beast for all time." And she was gone. 

Leaving the king to remain a horrible beast in his castle. Forever alone.

*Years later....*

Singing softly to herself, Tina Goldstein made her way through the crowded streets of the village to the corner shop library just a few blocks away. 

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