chapter twenty three

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We both stepped out of the car and slammed the car doors. I shuddered as a breezy gust of wind washed over me. I wasn't sure if it was the breezy air or the thoughts of my father that made me feel so cold.

Uzi pulled out a key from under the mat and unlocked the front door. He had been so nice to me lately. Even after me kissing him, he didn't get upset like I thought he would.

I had to remind myself to be careful and remember that Uzi just felt sorry for me. Once his pity for me fizzled away, he'd hurt me. So I couldn't let him in, even if I thought he cared about me.

"Mama where you at?" He called out as I followed behind him.

I couldnt help but, notice the age that lingered around the house. It looked old, smelled old but, at the same time it seemed well taken care of. The floors creaked beneath our feet, the paint on the walls gradually peeling off. Family pictures were hanging everywhere and along with the old scent of the house there was the smell of home cooked food.

Out walked a middle aged lady, dressed in a long flowery skirt and burgundy sweater. Her brown eyes lit up at the sight of her son.

"Symere baby?How have you been?" She hugged and squeezed and kissed him all over. Like my mom used to.

"Good." He untangled their arms. Her eyes darted to me; she looked surprised, too surprised. And I couldn't help but, wonder if I was welcomed.

"That's not Brittany."

Could she be the same girl who Uzi was trying to avoid the other day?

Uzi sighed heavily.

What's that sigh suppose to mean?

I had a feeling that was his girlfriend or ex girlfriend. Her name alone brought needles to my stomach.

"Yeah mama we broke up, I'm sorry. This girl right there, she's a friend, Jasmine."

We're just friends.
Friends that kissed once.
Friends that look for each other for hours on a stormy night.
Yeah, just friends.

"Really? You two were cute together. Well, nice to meet me Jasmine. Call me miss Woods." I shook her firm, warm hand, "Show her to one of 'dem rooms."

I had a strong urge to ask him about Brittany but, I felt it was too personal. He probably wouldn't care enough to trust me because we were just friends.

"Come." Uzi lead me down the dim lighted hallway, pass three bedrooms and to the back of the house.

He opened the door. The bedroom contained a small bed with a dust covered window above it.

"I'll leave you here to settle in." He said.

After Uzi left, I flung my suitcase on the bed and looked around. CDs sprawled on top of the vanity. The white carpet squished underneath my feet. Rockstar and anime posters hung on the lemon colored walls. If I didn't know better, I was in Uzi's childhood room.

How cute.

I wanted to know more about him. I knew there were things he was hiding from me and I thought his room would provide me with some answers.

I snooped around his room, pulling open drawers and peeking into his closet. I shuffled around his old clothes, peering underneeth his bed as well. That was when I found his CD player. It was drenched in dust.

I blew away that dust and randomly picked out one of his CDs off his dresser.

After pushing a few buttons on the player, a song began to play. I leaned closer. The instrumental seemed loud, angry, ready to roar and scream and kick and yell. I could feel it's aggression enter the pores of my skin.

Sometimes, I feel I've got to run away
I've got to get away
From the pain you drive in the heart of me

Those words ignited more curiosity. I didn't know what I clicked or pressed but, whatever it did, it showed the name: Marilyn Manson, Tainted Love on the players tiny screen.

The voice began to scream.

Once, I ran to you, now I run from you.

I stumbled backwards in surprise. The adrilien in my blood running wild. It was as if his song was reading my heart. It was how I felt about my father.

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm going to pack my things and go

I wanted to scream out loud. I wanted to run into his arms. But, then, he hurt me. I bet he even hated me. To just reject me. To push me away. So I ran and ran and ran until I could see my bones through my skin. Until I could feel the heaviness of my lungs in every breath I took. I had to find a way to get away from the pain he caused.

Angry, at myself for prying through Uzi's stuff, I turned off the song and shoved my suitcase to the ground. It made a loud thump as loud as the thumps in my heart. I slammed myself on the small bed.

Breath Jasmine, breath.
Don't explode.
Don't yell or kick or scream like his music was.
Don't be like that song.
Why couldn't he just admit it?
Why can't he be my dad?
Why can't I live a happy, positive life like my friends, Cindy or Cardi.
Is it because I'm utter trash? Is that why?

I needed to get my mind off of Brain, Manson, whatever you called him. I walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

There, I see this girl with hair as curly and wild as mine. She was laughing and smiling. Her hands were traveling all over all over Uzi. And I didn't like some random girl hugging all over him like she owned him.

Who's this bum bitch?


eww wнo ιѕ тнιѕ тrιcĸ тryna ѕтeal υzι away ғroм jaѕмιne?

Thanks for the reads,votes and comments, y'all motivate me to update lol.

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