chapter twelve

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All day I had been thinking. During community service. During my bus ride. At lunch. While I showered. It was all about one thing.

Who is my father?

I knew if I called my aunt and asked her about it she would hang up. But, if I waited until she got home from daily errands, face to face, she would have nowhere to run.

I was petrified of what was to come. All my life I had thought the truth would make me feel free from the prison called "mystery" but, that was not the case? A million questions ran through my head and I couldn't seem to catch up.

What if my real dad is just as evil?

What if Kyle is a sick fucking liar and he lied to me about who my real father is?

What if he's famous?

What if he doesn't want me?

I gulped as I made my way down Louise's hallway. My legs were withering away like a weed in an unwelcoming garden. My chest sprinted upwards before collapsing downwards.

"Louise?" I croaked. She casually strolled down the stairs like it was perfectly fine to lie to her niece her whole life.

"Did you go to work today? Oh, and Gavin wants to have a dinner date with-"

"Fuck Gavin," I fumed and clenched my fist. Louise looked surprised by my use of language. She opened her mouth, ready to scold me however, I spoke first.

"I went to go talk to the man you call my father, Louise." I studied her reaction. She flinched slightly, a look of worry flashed quickly across her eyes.

"How did it go?" She asked nervously.

She raised an eyebrow in attempt to seem surprised but, failed miserably. Even from distance I could see her chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"He told me he wasn't my father and that was why he killed Shanice."

"Wow, I cant believe Kyle would say something like that?" Louise's eyes moved away from my face. Her focus went to the ground then the walls, anywhere, but my face.

"Admit it."

"Admit what?" Her voice became high pitched.

"All my life i've been told lie after lie. My life has been secret after secret. I've been trapped, Louise. Trapped. Set me free. Set me free with the truth." My eyes searched hers. Kyle was right. I could see it. My aunt had lied to me all my life.

Tears overflowed her eyes, smoothly running their course across her skin, "I'm sorry if I've come off as overprotective. This is the only way I know how to protect you. Your dad had a choice, Jasmine. He didn't pick the right one so I decided he didn't deserve to be in your life. His name is Brian--Brian Hugh Warner."

Brian Hugh Warner. That sounds like a dad name. I wonder if he's a nice dad.

Something flushed over me. Was it relief? Or was it the fact I knew the truth? I didn't know everything about my past yet but, I was on my way. It was the start of a journey. To the life I've always desired.

We were both standing there. Her tears dried up. My tears were being held back.

"You're just like your mother and father. Rebellious. Wild. Even a little bit fearless."

I shivered. It was weird realizing I was like them. It was almost as if a part of me was them. And a part of my mother was still alive. In me.

If it took years of lying for Louise to open up to me, It would take months of her suffering for me to forgive her. I knew her worst nightmare was having less control over me. So I was going to move out. Louise deserved to feel that.

"How could you do this to me?"

"I am so sorry but, I need you to understand where I am--"

"No! You lied to me! I cant trust you anymore so I'm moving the fuck out to get away from you!"

I rushed upstairs and began to hurriedly pack my belongings. Louise chased after me, following me into my room.

Then she did what I had never expected her to do.

With her hands clasped together and her knees against the floor, It was clear she would do anything to keep me under her roof. Louise had dropped her pride and begged me to stay. But, nothing could fix the fact she cast me in the dark for a decade.


I left the house, feeling a sense of satisfaction. Still, I had craved more vengeance. I had still wanted her to suffer the way I had.

With my luggages I found my way to the park. Plopping down, I realized how lost I was. I should have thought about this before I left.

Where am I going to stay?

I considered calling Cindy but, remembered she was living with one of her boyfriends. My mind wandered off to Greyson and if I should stay with him. But, the guy never responded to my calls or texts.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket.

Who is it?

Until next time,
The end.

This should be illegal

do yoυ тнιnĸ jaѕ waѕ вeιng a lιттle тoo нarѕн or naн?

alѕo, ιғ yoυ ѕoмeнow ĸnow wнo вrιan нυgн warner ιѕ, don'т вoтнer тo ѕay anyтнιng ιn тнe coммenтѕ.

тнanĸѕ ғor readιng! (•ᴗ•)❤


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