Strangers (5)

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It felt like hours in this room. The sheet wasn't doing anything at all, I couldn't stop shivering. Ice covered the walls I could barely see anything going on the other side. Dinah was crying I could hear her sobbing in the other room. "Dinah please" I croaked getting annoyed with her crying.

"This is not the time to be crying!"

"Y/n I'm freezing!"

"And you think I'm not! I'm going through the same thing with you. The least you can do is stop crying!" I snapped I crawled over to the bed and covered myself with the sheet. I balled myself up.

"We're going to die in here" she sobs. "They're trying to kill us" I sighed. She's not going to stop.

"She said she love me...Why would I believe her...h-how could I be so stupid!" She whimper. "I was going to give myself to her. I was going to love her. And she tricks me...You were right, it was stupid to meet someone online"

I know I am.

"Y/n?" I rolled my eyes "What?" I grit my teeth. "I'm sorry" she cries. I squeezed my eyes shut. We are going to die here.

There's no way we're going to survive this.

"I'm never going to get married or have kids. Or even die happy"

She kept talking. I know the only reason why she was talking so much was that it distracts her from what is really happening. But I need her to be aware.

Be aware of what's going on.

"I'm so sorry this is all my fault"

"Yes, it is. This is all your fault! And you're making it worse by crying about it! SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DINAH SHUT UP!" I screamed. I buried my head in my pillow tears began to fill my eyes.

I can't go through another headache.


Dinah never said anything after I screamed at her. I didn't know if she was sleep or if she was dead but I didn't hear anything. Not even a sniff.

I stayed in the same position with my face buried in my pillow. I think we've been in here for more than an hour.

Suddenly I felt warm air blowing on me. I ignored it. Because I was still cold to move. Somehow I fell asleep and woken up to someone knocking on the wall. "WAKE UP WE KNOW YOU AREN'T DEAD" I huffed.

I lift my head up. And glared at the two Lauren looked worried. It wasn't cold in the room anymore it was actually extremely hot.

If I didn't die by freezing to death I'm definitely going to die from a heat stroke.

I was actually sweating. I guess that's how I fell asleep because it got warm.

I placed my face back in the pillow. "Your bodies are strong, the last girl we had didn't make it through the first test" I heard Normani say.

They did this on other girls too. And she died!

How many tests are they going to do on us? Is this meant to kill us? What are they trying to do?

I looked over at Dinah's room she was standing up in the corner of the room. Her eyes were bloodshot red. My door open Lauren leaned against the door. "Come on" I slowly stood up I wrapped the sheet over my body and walked out of the room.

I followed behind her. "Put this on"

She handed me a white tank top and white underwear.

I did as told feeling a bit better in something that was covering most of my body. "Where are you taking her!" I heard Dinah ask. Lauren didn't answer she just pulled me out the room. It leads us to some stairs. I followed her up them. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. She pulled me into a room. It was another lab, just a little darker.

"Lauren" She turns to me. "How you're feeling?" She asked. I stared at her, how am I supposed to answer this question?

"I don't know"

She nods before pulling me over to a table. "Lay down right here" she spoke I did as told. "What are you going to do with me?" I asked. She straps my arms down and then my head.

Anxiety quickly rises in my body. "Lauren-"

"Shush y/n and be still" she stands over me before placing a light over my face I squint. She put on some black glasses. Before grabbing something that I didn't Recognize, placing it on my face.

"Do not move, if you do it'll stab you in the eye" my heart quicken. As she raised my eyelid.



She Placed something under both my eyelids forcing both my eyes open. I couldn't move them.

"This is going to be uncomfortable but the pain you're going to go through is way worse"

"Lauren please let's not do this please!"

"Y/n I have to do this!"

"No you don't...what did I ever do to you!" I screamed. She stared down at me with her green eyes. "Y/n"

"NO!" My eyes started to burn. She sighs and sat on the stool. "I went through this, Normani went through this, and now you and Dinah are going to go through with it. This will only take 10 minutes I promise"

"What do you mean you and Normani went through it?"

"We went through it" with that being said she placed a hand on my forehead and grabbed a red pen. "Be extremely still this is going to sting"

She tapped the black pen and a red light came out of it.

Is she putting a laser in my eye?

She shines it into my eyes I dig my nails into my thigh. My eyes started to burn which made it water. I whimper.

"You'll be'll get through this".....

I might make this into a book

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