Chapter 30

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Bree woke up in state of mass confusion. She was wet and it was in the proximity of her lower half. Getting up quickly, she takes off the blanket that was encasing her in warmth and fights the urge to shiver for now it is cold. She sees it, the culprit of her demise. Blood. Bright red and some already turning Maroon. Ugh, fuck no. She thought to herself.

Then she remembered where she was and has to count from ten backwards because she is on the verge of screaming out of frustration. Looking around, she still sees Dean and Sam sleeping together and on the dining room chair is Zion snoring away. Cas was nowhere to be seen, probably in the bedroom.

She is in a worse situation possible; she is surrounded by four men and she's pretty sure they won't know how to get her the right feminine products at the store for her period. God, the blood. The smell was sickening. She wanted to throw up because she felt disgusted with herself and she felt disgusting. If she could teleport, it would be ideal.

"What the hell am I gonna do?" She whispered to herself. At the end of her sentence, she could hear someone stir from their sleep. She was hoping to God it wasn't Dean Winchester because then she would have to kill him if he knew this. She knew her soul would depart that very instant. It better be Sam who wakes up, Oh God...

A slight moan escaped from a man's lips beneath her and she panicked by putting the blanket over her legs, dismissing the feelings of horror as she saw Dean Winchester be the first to get up. It was barely dawn and of course it had to be Dean who gets up early! Dean grunted slightly as he got up, not looking at her as he walked towards the bathroom.

To her surprise, Dean nearly hit the wall of the hallway where the bathroom is, evidently sleeping dust was still holding its power over him. Bree could hear the door open and close and she felt relief envelope her, for now she had to wait until he left the bathroom to go and sneak in. Then she remembered something her sister had wrote her awhile back in her letters;

Thank you for your latest letter, Bree. Sam and Dean is fine. Sam sleeps okay. The real person who has problems sleeping is not me, I think it's Dean. He wakes up early and stays awake. I worry about how he sleeps, to be honest...

Bree put her head into her hand, making a nearly audible slap, causing the two men in the room with her to nearly wake up. Bree let out a gasp and cursed herself for doing that. It seemed like she was doing all the wrong things today. Then to make it worse, Sam woke up, rubbing his face. Oh God, both of them?! She thought to herself.

He turned to look at Zion and then at the empty spot next to him. He was still rubbing his face but Bree could almost swore she saw him nod. Sam then turned to look at her and saw that she was awake. "Morning." He said to her, giving her a small smile. Bree felt her face twitch up a smile, she knew it didn't touch her eyes. "Good morning." She said.
It was going to be a long day today...

The One Who Sees in Black And WhiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora