Chapter 57

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                                      5:57 am

"You need to let go now, brother." A soft female voice softly spoke. A small hand was on his shoulder.  Cas felt as if he was barely breathing. He looked down at the body before him. Tears were streaming down his face. He turned slowly to the woman before him. It was the unnamed Cupid who killed Dan.

"How can I when he showed me how he grew to love them both?" He rasped. "Love urged him to go on, despite the odds. He knew the difficulties. I told him so that day." She replied. Cas could only stare at her, incredulous. "How can you watch him go through this for it to end this way?" He whispered.

"I don't author the love stories from beginning to the end. I only decide the beginning..." She said sadly. Tears streaming down her face as well. "Promise...Promise me you won't hit Dean or Bree... I can't stand it if ... they meet the same end..." He whispered.

"I don't make the rules, Cas. I'm sorry, hun. You know this..." She whispered. Cas knew this but couldn't dispute it. It has to happen. He knew Dean and Bree were stronger than this. Even though he knew some of her story, he knew she wouldn't let this break her. It wouldn't be Zion.

His death had to mean something, it could not—would not be in vain. He slowly got up, pushing Zachariah's body onto the concrete ground. He looked towards the sky. "I really hope you're up there..." He thought to himself. Remembering the Cupid, he turned to her.

"You need to be with me now in case they have back up coming after you. I need you to shoot at Bree or Dean. I know you only have one arrow left. I need you to start this love story before we are doomed. It can't be hit or miss..." He told her.

"You can count on me, Cas." She answered him with a fierce confident gaze. He grabbed her hand suddenly to teleport her to the house. He was hoping Bree and Dean were asleep so they can greet the day with love in their eyes for each other.

A moment later, they were in the drive way. The sky was becoming lighter by the minute, it was nearly 6 am. "That's her!" Cas heard the Cupid say. Cas looked up in the direction of the house. His eyes nearly fell out of his head. Bree was on the roof standing, looking dazed!

"Uh—can you shoot her from here?" He asked her. The Cupid smiled ruefully. "My name is Cherish—I can shoot from here. Just be on look out." She told him. He moved from her, eying the street behind him. At that moment she took out the last arrow from the quiver on her back.

She placed it on the string of the bow, careful to aim perfectly. She knew she had to control her breathing and calm down. She had not gone through anything worse than tonight, her closest friends Lia and Azzy had died, but she must carry on.

She knew she had to control her breathing or else aim to the left like her mentor taught her not to. It was all in the breathing. One, two, three. One, two, three. A metallic swish came from her as she let the arrow go from the bow.

"Please hit her, please hit her, I can't wait until a month has gone when I can manage another arrow!" Cherish thought to herself. She watched nervously and with anticipation. She knew Cas was watching as it flew quickly with the air current into her target. The arrow had hit her back. It was now 6 am.

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