Chapter 59 Pt 2

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She always knew her powers could reach to a point, but she felt the waves emit off of her so strongly now. She hasn't felt that in so long... not since she was a kid struggling not to make objects move or be burnt to a crisp. This hasn't happened since Zion had died...

Her powers had acted up when she found his body after Mel had vanished with the Winchesters. Her tears had fallen on his face as she held him to her. Anger slowly set in after the initial loss. The wood tiled floor underneath her began to splinter as her tears stopped. She faded away, her memory erased.

Next thing she knew, she was back in her old bedroom at the old house where she grew up with her sister. She was in her home town, body bloodied and bruised. She looked up at the sky and saw that it was no longer nighttime like when she saw Zion. It was a cold gray dreary morning.

She gasped as she got up from bed rushing to see the date in the newspaper. A whole month had gone by. She tried to keep her emotions in check as to not risk another episode. A tremor developed in her hand as she did this. Five minutes later, she searched for last month's death obituaries. Right there on the very back page was a small blurb of Zion. He was buried at the cemetery.

Heading to take a shower, Bree willed herself not to cry. Best friend, dead? Check. Twin sister, vanished? Check. Memory loss? Check. She had enough tears to last her a lifetime. She didn't need anymore. When she was done, she came out and got dressed, a a light jacket, long sleeve shirt, black pants. She was taking an envelope addressed from Mel with her.

The weather was cold, a bit too cold for the clothes she had on but she pressed on, walking quickly against the direction of the wind. The cemetery was, thankfully, nearby. Up a block or two, when she finally reached the block, she saw the black gates ahead. She came up to the gates, hoping she could at least get closure in this.

A weathered old man popped up on the other side, having seen her out of the corner of his eye. He turned to her. "You here for your friend?" He asked her, signing. She nodded her head. He came over, unlocking the gate. "Come on in, before I have to leave to go home." He grunted, signing half of it. She said, "Mm," in response. "He's in the back, I remember you told me to tell you that." He said.

Bree could only stare at him, bewildered. He shook his head and walked away. No answer from him. "I'm guessing I told him to tell me that..." She murmured under her breath, heading in the direction of where he pointed. A hill in the semi distance. A sigh from her left her mouth.

She can't believe this is the longest episode she's had in a while. A whole month gone, just like that. Zip, zilch, nada. Before it used to be three days (sporadically) in a year — the only one that came to understanding was Mel, and now, she was gone. She can't come to help her because she is on the lam.

Sweat poured down her face, despite the cold. Her breathing became erratic as she walked up the hill. It wasn't easy, she could feel her emotions thunder underneath her pokerface facade. She was trying to avoid crying again. She didn't need this. She needed closure on this at least.

Finally, she reached the top of the hill, where a lone tombstone was. Her eyes watered immediately, recognizing the name on it. She was at first walking towards it but soon that turned into crawling on her knees. Her hand touched the tombstone. Tears streamed down her face. A small sliver of her memory came back; she's been grieving Zion for a month.

Fuck. All of a sudden, she felt her feelings turn numb. The toll of the last month must have reached its end. She took out the letter in her jacket pocket, opening it up with her nails. She ripped it open and began to read out loud the content to the gravestone.

Dear Bree, I'm sorry for leaving you. The guys rushed me to leave with them. They said I would be better protected with them since I placed a protection spell on you with Zion. Dean came to me with the idea and it was between you and me.

Zion—He had pressed me to do so and I agreed with him to do it. Please don't be upset with me about it. We know why we picked you. In a way, you're free for a year before it fades.

I had hoped Zion would be with you to be your companion while on the watch out for Zero but... he had been killed by Zero. Please keep yourself safe, don't do anything reckless. Please enjoy this year you'll have before the spell fades. I'll be safe. I love you, Mel.

Bree knew the sky was growing dark now. She looked up at it, noting that soon she would have to go home. She gets up slowly, the dirt and pieces of grass, she doesn't bother brushing off her clothes. A headache was growing in the back of her head. She would have to make a quick exit out of the cemetery.

She starts walking down the hill, more careful with her steps. At the end of the hill, she sees the old man. She walks a little faster down the hill. Wary, nonetheless. When she is finally at the end of the hill, he signs to her. "Once you walk out, keep walking two blocks until you see your house, a black small house." He signed.

"How do you know?" She signed to him. He shrugs his shoulders. "You told me to tell you that. Ever since you came here a month ago. You were like a zombie." He signed to her. Bree's mouth fell open. She doesn't know what to say to that. Finally after some time, a question comes to mind. "Do I work with you?" She signed.

He grunted a yes. She swears she sees him eye roll. Maybe he thinks she's a dramatic kid. She doesn't know...but his body language says so. She sighs. She starts walking home. The two blocks seem to glide on by. She doesn't notice that she was running the whole time.

Once she is finally home, she sits down on the table in the kitchen. She surveys the basic kitchen. Nothing. Not much furnishing the place. She opens the fridge, it is full. She makes a sandwich, eating it quickly, praying the headache would go away. It fades but not enough.

Maybe water. She moves to the kitchen counter, opening up a cabinet. Cups. She brings one down and fills it up with the water filter from the fridge. She drinks it slowly as to not hurt her stomach. The headache doesn't fade by much. But it is a little better.

After she is done, she is in the bedroom. She lays down in bed, her body sore. She feels like she's on a electric wire. So many emotions running through her body. So many thoughts. She doesn't know what to do after today. The whole year starts before her now, an empty space for her to occupy.

That year went quickly, she had now found the man she blamed for Mel's death and had fallen in love with him. The contract she was supposed to sign for his death was signed. Crowley and Zero were working together to ascertain their goals. Sam Winchester was possessed by Zero. Dean was beaten up. Zion was dead. Cas was helpless.

"Enough with the drama, you'll come along with me." Crowley had said to her. Bree's eyes faltered at his assertion of her rights. She knew he had all the advantages. She wanted to fight back. And so she would. The powers she has is now reaching that point.

Her eyes stung as she stared Crowley in the face, keeping Dean's bloodied face in mind. Power and anger slowly set in. She realized her way wasn't the right way and the only way to make it right was to do what her mother taught her always; and it was to fight. The wood tiled floor underneath her began to splinter as her very essence faded. She faded away, her eyes began to glow white.

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