Chapter 54

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                                       6:00 am

While they sleep, a shadow comes over Bree's side of the bed. She wakes up from her sexual dreams to see Crowley before her. Ugh. "Sleeping with the enemy was not in the contract." He whispered to her. Bree blushes at this but says nothing. Luckily she and Dean had cleaned up by taking a quick shower and put on their pjs and laid back down in bed a couple hours ago.

She got up quietly from the bed and made her way to the window, climbing out of it as quickly as possible. Crowley stood there for a moment, confused as hell. Even looking at the sleeping Dean. That was when she had made the gesture to him to follow her.

Bree had made herself get on the roof, sitting as Crowley appeared before her at her side. She braced herself to speak. Being woken up like that is nerve wracking. "It's needed to make the betrayal worse." She lied to him. Crowley only stared at her with a blank expression. She swears he said something along the lines of "Damn Squirrel.." but she isn't sure.

"How's Dan?" She asked idly, trying to buy herself some time. She knows she hasn't signed the contract yet. Brushing over the topic at hand was kinda her skill especially since she is considered stubborn. "Dan... is recuperating. We decided to spice things up to make you choose your decision faster." Crowley told her.

"What the hell, Crowley?" She growled. "Tsk, tsk, I expected more from a young lady like you. The Winchesters make more quick decisions than you or your sister does." He said. "Shut up, trauma can make people indecisive." She growled.

"I know trauma, don't berate me about it." He hissed. "Bullshit!" She hissed back at him. Crowley rolled his eyes at her. This isn't what he came here for. "In any case... while you were having relations, the plans have changed since you haven't signed the contract." He said.

"What do you mean?" She glared at him. "I decided you need more of an incentive since you haven't really thought of Mel..." Crowley admitted to her. "Well?" She huffed impatiently. She crossed her arms. She didn't like this.

"Zero is now working with me, we agreed on negotiations. Your frail life is on the line. The original gag is for Mel to come back to life but I have yet to see some initiative in your part even though I have held up my end of the bargain. Tick tock, make your choice. You or Dean Winchester dead..." He told her.

"Why would you do this?" She asked him. "Because I can, darling. I'm the big bad Wolf in this story." He answered her smoothly. "I can easily end you..."She threatens him. "You won't be able to, when I can make your powers look like magic tricks." He said with a smirk.

"You told me you wanted Dean Winchester gone. I'll deliver if you keep up your end of the bargain. Don't fuck it up. Here's your chance now, take it and live with Mel when she comes back for the next five years or... perish in hell with me." Crowley told her. He vanished immediately, leaving Bree with a hard decision.

She stood there on the roof, frozen. The sky was becoming light, the dark blue was quickly becoming pale in comparison to when she first climbed out the window. Her emotions now taking a toll on her. Soundless sobs jerked her body as she tried her best to rein it in.

She didn't want to admit it after all these years but now her crush on Dean Winchester had blown up in her face. She no longer wanted him to die. She wanted him to live. He was now someone she was in love with. And women protect those whom they love, don't they?

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