"Just listen to me y/n." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Jungkook's father is going to come today."


"He probably wouldn't prefer a stranger to be the first sight beside his beloved son." He tried to explain, "It would be better if he didn't see you for now." He adviced with honesty but you felt that he was hiding something from you. Something that was related to you leaving the hospital but something that was not supposed to be found out by you. Maybe his father would not like you, maybe he would rather prefer his son to be single, you thought.

"I understand." You simply answered, "when is he coming?"

"About an hour later." He replied glancing down at his watch.

"So I can stay for a little while longer?"

"Sure." He nodded and left the room.

A few more minutes you spent looking at Jungkook's face in hopes of seeing him open his dark beautiful eyes once again.
Staying by his side and doing nothing special but analysing his face made you realise how ethereal he looked. He had clear perfect features. Maybe he was made in heaven by Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty herself. He was perfect, perfectly beautiful. Only now did you realise the small almost unnoticable scar on his face which might have been caused due a wound inflicted during his childhood. In some areas maybe he contained some imperfections? But all those imperfections just proved he too was human.

You clutched onto his hand and softly kissed it before standing up, collecting your stuff and walking out of the room.

Maybe it was for the best? Maybe you really did need some time away from this hospital. A change from this depressing atmosphere.


Everything happens for a reason. And every little thing results to another bigger thing. That's the game of fate that you can't escape.


You wondered why such words were advertised in the hall of the hospital. Maybe for encouragement? But what sort of? Was it supposed to give strength to the family of the diseased or was it to give strength to those suffering under the clutches of death. You wondered what the hidden message behind these words were. Was it supposed to tell you that everything was fate, that it was inevitable, Jungkook's current state should not be blamed on yourself?

You hoped that he'd wake up. It wouldn't even matter if he hated you for everything. All you wanted was for him to wake up.

With thoughts overcrowding your mind you walked out of the hospital doors and headed straight home.


"Oh hi! Y/n.." exclaimed a voice you dreaded to hear.

"Jackson!" Your body reacted on its own and you clutched onto his collar, choking him in the process, "was it you?! Did you hit him?!" You yelled at him.

"Come on now. Is this any manner to treat your old friend?" He chuckled as he grabbed onto your hands and moved them away from his collar.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now