MCD-Chapter One

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"Brad Jameson is just, like, the hottest man ever!" Eliza sighed dreamily as she gazed down at her People magazine.

I leaned over to whisper in my best friend Melany’s ear, "She doesn know he’s playing someone’s dad in a movie, right?"

Eliza whipped her head over to glare her pretty green eyes me. "Shut up! The man isn’t old enough to be someone’s dad!"

"Not even Trick Garrett’s dad?" Melany asked, a mischevious glint in her eyes.

Our friend instantly shut up, a dumbstruck look on her face. "Seriously? When did this happen?!"

It was a miracle Eliza didn’t know her two favorite celebrities were in a movie together, as she was our celebrity gossip queen. Whenever we wanted to know who was in a certain movie, Eliza was our instant IMDb.

"They’re re-doing that ‘80’s movie Mannequin," I said. "Only it’s more of like a teen outlook and notsomuch a creepy adult."

"And Trick Garrett is way cuter than icky Andrew McCarthy!" Melany added, sticking out her tongue in disgust.

Eliza’s pretty, young face scrunched up. "Ew. That movie sucked. Why would they ever try to re-do it?"

Sometimes I hated Eliza. She, Melany, and I had been thrown together as toddlers in daycare. Out of the three of us, our somewhat naïve little Eliza was the prettiest. With those high cheekbones and doe-like green eyes, she absolutely shined. As if her natural good looks weren’t enough, she had to rub it in by keeping her honey blonde hair long and beautiful, while Melany and I always kept ours shorter.

Melany, our tall, dark, and freckled beauty, shrugged her slender shoulders. "Who knows? Brad Jameson probably just needs the publicity of re-doing an ‘80’s flick."

Eliza gave Mels a flat look. "No, he doesn’t. He has enough publicity without it."

He didn’t. Everyone knew Trick Garrett was the real attraction to the upcoming film, not the washed out ‘90’s star. But Eliza continued to love him, nonetheless.

I just rolled my eyes at the two of them. "Okay, let’s just get our butts to school."

The three of us walked out of the coffee shop and climbed into Melany’s forest green Jeep and sped off to school.

We were seniors and it was May. June 1st, the three of us would be high school graduates and starting our new college lives in September. To say I was excited was an understatement. I had everything mapped out. I would go to the community college for two years before heading off to the university, where I would major in journalism and become the best journalist America had ever seen.

The coffee shop wasn’t all but five minutes away from the school. As soon as we pulled into the lot, we were bombarded with traffic and the shock of what was going on in front of our very school.

Cameras were everywhere. Men and women stood with microphones at the ready, daring the students to get out of their cars. Principle Whyman stood at the top of the stairs, looking panicked but not quite sure how to get rid of the crowd.

"Whoa, what the heck….." Melany muttered, easing into a parking spot towards the very back.

I whistled. It was like they just kept coming. White news trucks were parked all along the front of the building, almost blocking the stairs. No, the crazy mob was making it perfectly impossible to get inside the school.

"What’s going on?" Eliza asked from the backseat.

"Like we would know!" Melany snapped, throwing her door open and jumping out of the Jeep.

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