44. Arms Of The Woman He Loved (Jaime Lannister X Reader)

Start from the beginning

Jaime knew there would be no chance in her winning against the Targaryen. He didn't want to watch her die but she wouldn't listen.

"Cersei, this has to stop!" Jaime shouted, his voice echoing through the throne room. "You can't beat them, you can't beat her dragon".

"Qyburn's scorpion killed one of the beast, it can do it again" she returned.

"This one is much stronger than the last. Daenerys won't stop at nothing for this throne now" he informed stepping closer "How many tens of thousands will have to die for you to see sense".

"I don't care how many die. I don't care if they are men, women or children" she growled back, giving him a devilish look "They can all burn".

At those words Jaime looked down shaking his head. When he raised his head, Cersei could see tears in his eyes as he let out a breathless sigh, "I'm sorry".

Before anyone could react, Jaime had thrusted Widows Wail into Cersei's chest. She only let out a pained gasp, hands gripping the blade whilst guards rushed over drawing their swords. He retracted the sword and fought against the men, defending himself as Cersei slipped off the throne, hand caressing her wound and her stomach.

Jaime managed to fight off the guards, even getting the chance to slice Qyburn across the chest when he went to attend to the fallen queen. Only when the giant mass known as the Mountain stomped over did he really started to panic. He tugged his sword out the last soldier and held it in front of himself, swinging only for it to bounce of the giants armour. Wide eyed they snapped up to the Mountain hidden face, breath leaving his body when the beast smacked him away, falling down the stairs and landing on his back. Widows Wail skidded out of reach, eyes pooling up with fear, Gregor edging closer with his sword raised.

Suddenly the doors slammed open, you taking the lead with Sandor by your side and Bronn a little behind, killing a guard. Face bloody and exhausted, whilst your clothes were covered in ash.

Jaime lip twitched up, distracted at your presence only to feel a piecing pain through his torso.

"NO!" You screamed, Sandor rushing past you towards his brother shoving him away as Jaime yelled out in pain.

"Jaime!" You gasped pulling his head in your lap.

"It's not safe, you shouldn't be here" he groaned.

"You shouldn't be here either" you returned, blocking out the sound of the battle between brothers.

"I had to" he whispered, eyes flickering over to the body of his sister "It had to be me ... it had to".

"I know" you nodded, your hands applying pressure on the wound, blood staining your hand. His hand weakly came up and clutches yours.

"You're in danger" he groaned, blood starring to drool out the side of his mouth "you have to leave ... get far away".

"It's ok. It's gonna be ok" you spoke, voice cracking as tears slipped down your cheeks landing on Jaime's face. "I'm not leaving you".

Jaime's eyes never left yours, fluttering to stay open. He opened his mouth like he was going to speak but let out a croak suddenly stilling in your arms. Eyes unmoving but had no life to them, his chest didn't rise. He was just motionless. Tears flooded from your (Y/E/C) eyes as your face twisted in pain, resting your forehead against as Bronn and Sandor watched from afar.

After that, Daenerys took the throne. She was finally queen of the Seven Kingdoms. At your request Jaime and Cersei's bodies were burnt and their ashes scattered where the great Sept of Baelor used to stand, so that they can be with their father and children.

You stood on the shoreline alone, watching the waves crash against the rocks. Though you could hear footsteps behind you.

"How does High Garden fair, Lord Bronn Blackwater" you smirked, hearing him chuckle standing beside you letting you watching a classic grin grow on his.

"Perfect" he uttered, standing beside you. "How you feeling?".

"As well as can be expected" you sighed, eyes watching the sunset.

"He died like he wanted, you know" Bronn informed, causing you to glance at him.

"What?" You asked. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"When me and him went to Dorne, get the princess back we asked each other how we'd like to die" he spoke, unknowingly smiling at the memory "I said I wanted a boring death".

"Doesn't sound like your style" you laugh, bumping his shoulder with yours.

"Well, I've had a exciting life" he chuckled back, stopping to look at you seriously "but him, he wanted to die ... in the arms of the woman he loved. Thanks to you, he got to do that".

You glanced down, a sad smile growing on your face nodding at the fact. For you knew. Jaime Lannister may have been dead, but your love for him never would.

The end of Jaime was ok, it doesn't piss me off but I would've preferred it if he killed Cersei. I did also want a bit of a friendship between the reader and Bronn. But in the final episode it was heart breaking when Tyrion found Jaime and Cersei, literally my heart crack. Peter Dinklage is such a boss actor!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
See ya round. ✌️
And remember ...
"Winter ... Is Here"

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