We look over and see a tall, bearded man walk right into the apartment, kicking the door closed behind him. When he sees me however, he stops mid-step and looks over to Jon. "Ooh, I'm not cock blocking, am I?"

I quickly cover my mouth and try not to laugh as Jon turns completely to the man and slams his hands on the counter top. "I know I gave you a copy of my damn key, but have you ever heard of this thing called knocking or calling first?"

"How was I suppose to know you had your boyfriend over?! For all I know, you were beating it to-"

"Finish that sentence and I'll throw you out the window," Jon yells, his face quickly turning bright red, which causes me to burst out laughing.

The man starts laughing as well and I hear him walk closer to the island. "You were right. He does have a cute laugh."

"Luke, I swear to god."

I look up and pull myself up, pretty much holding myself up to keep me from doubling over in laughter. It's then that I see the man leaning against the counter, staring at me, smiling.

He then sticks out his hand and says, "Don't know if you remember me. Last time I saw you, you got pretty drunk. But, I'm Luke."

I give him a shy smile before I take his hand and shake it. "Nice to meet you again. Wish I could remember the last time I saw you."

"Well, judging by how much Jon talks about you, I'm going to say you'll be seeing me around a lot more often."

"Oh, so he does talk about me?"

Luke raises an eyebrow before he drops my hand and turns to Jon. "You pussied out, didn't you?"

"Shut the fuck up, Luke."

Luke shakes his head before saying, "You can't hide yourself from them forever, and you can't hide him."

"Look, we already fought about this last night. I get it; I fucked up," he groans before walking back into his fridge.

"Wait, you two fought over this last night... And you're talking to each other today?"

"Yeah," I tell him. "We talked it over last night after taking some time to cool off."

"Oh shit. This is already sounding like a better relationship than your last one."

"Shut up, Luke," Jon growls, his head still in the fridge.

"Seriously, you're dating a guy that works at a strip club. Do you think he's going to care about a broken four year long relationship?"

"Shu-fuck," he yells out as he hits his head against a shelf in the fridge.

"Something tells me I need to hear this," I laugh before turning to Luke. "So, what can you tell me about this old relationship?"

"Well, it was with a kid we met in bible study, I kid you not. Just so happened to have gone to high school with us. When Jon came out to all of us, the dude asked him out. They dated for four years, and I swear to god, they had the same fucking fight every month, and it always ended the same way. With them ignoring each other and shit talking each other for a week, and forgetting about it the next week."

"What was the fight?"

"Well, not sure if Jon told you or not, but he and I have always wanted to go into the military."

"Oh yeah, he told me when we first started dating."

"Great; that saves another fight.  Anyways, if Jon and I were to go into the military, chances are extremely high that we would be stationed in another state or even another country, and that was something we were excited for. Still are."

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz