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Bendy POV

Time flew. That's all I got to say about that. First my kids got into kindergarten. My little girl loved it. She made friends and was doing great. I got amazing reports for my little girl from her teacher. Liam, not so much. What can you do? He's 6, it's normal for a young boy to get into trouble. I do the best I can not to get upset or anything cause I know what that's like. My father was tough on me and in result I needed an angel to show me what love was. I don't want none of that for my kids. I want them to not exactly get treated like pampered royalties, but just have a normal life.

Grade school soon rolled around too. They loved it as well. My angels were very smart. I felt so proud of the reports I'd get back from the teachers. One particular time however, I got a call saying Liam got into trouble. It was very unexpected. They usually do so well and stay out of trouble. I went to see what the issue was and it turned out that my son beat up another student. He was to be sent home for the rest of the day. As soon as we got to the car I confronted him about it. He explained that the kid he beat up was picking on Jamie and making her cry. I asked why, and he replied it was because me and Cup were both males. I felt my heart drop. I didn't expect kids at this age to be so brutal. Well, at the same time, the kid may have been from a religious family. I told him we'd talk more when we got home. Cup was upset, but once he explained it to him he had more understanding. Once Jamie came home we allowed Liam to play. I decided to talk to Cup in the room about this situation.

"Cup what are we gonna do? I know there are people out there who accept gays, but it's coming to a point where are kids are getting into fights because of it." I explained. Cup was in deep thought.

"I honestly don't know. I guess the best we could do is teach them how to defend themselves if it comes to it. I don't want it to come to the point where they'd have to be transferred to another school." Cup said. I nodded in agreement. I thought of calling the parents to confront about the situation. I told Cup and he thought that'd be a good idea. I phoned the school and found the address of the parents. I had my mother watch the kids as we went to the child's house.

We arrived seeing it was like our house, nothing fancy. I rang the doorbell to be confronted with a lady and man.

"Can we help you?" The woman asked. She had a soft voice.

"Yes, our son got into a fight with your child and we thought it'd be best to talk about it so we could avoid this situation from happening again." Cup spoke up. The man seemed to eye us down. It made me feel uneasy.

"Oh of course." The lady said letting us in. We began to talk and soon we resolved the problem. We both agreed to have our kids apologize and to be nice. I felt relieved to leave that house. The woman was nice but the guy freaked me out.

That was about the only problem in their school we had. They were obedient kids who did there best to succeed. They take after their mom with that of course~ Next thing you know they're in middle school. They were introduced to class. They were really confused to how they were made because me and Cup were males. Cup and I felt that it'd be best to not say anything about it till we for sure know they're ready.

Those fond days then turned into high school. They were growing up so fast and learning so much more. The day me and Cuphead dreaded came again.

"Mom, dad, we aren't really you're kids are we.?" Liam asked at the dinner table. I looked at Cup who sighed at his plate.

"Well Bendy and I knew this day would come, and since you are older I guess we need to tell you the truth." Cup said standing up.

"Just know we love you very much." I said making straight eye contact with each of them. Jamie nodded but I couldn't make of Liam's face.

"Liam, we found you as a young infant in a dumpster. Whoever your parents were they put you there. Bendy and I found you and we never seen anything more cruel. We took you to our old home and washed you up. When I was dressing you I felt a bond. I immediately grew attached. You were so beautiful and I couldn't understand why someone would do such a terrible thing to you. We knew we couldn't keep you yet, so we went to the police about it. They said you would be put into adoption or the orphanage. Hearing that made something click in Bendy so he instantly asked if we could have you. It was agreed so we did some paperwork and you've been with us ever since. We couldn't be happier. Till of course the time came when Bendy was missing being a mommy." Cup chuckled at the last part. Liam did too looking at me. I felt a bit embarrassed.

"Cup shush. Well yes ok I did. I missed raising a baby because Liam grew up fast on me. During Liams birthday part I realized how badly I wanted another baby. I went to the adoption center of our city and was informed they had recently took in a baby girl. I felt my hopes go up high and I immediately wanted to take you in, so I did. Cup obviously agreed so I wouldn't go demon on him. Since then I've had two beautiful children I am able to call my own. Even if I am not your birth parent I am still your mom, and I love you both so much. All we've ever done was to get you father along in life, and well just look where we are now. It's so grown up of you two to ask us for the truth. We knew we couldn't hide it and you would figure it out, but we wanted to wait till you're older and asked. But now you know." I said smiling at them. Liam thought for a while, but hl ended up turning to me and smiled. Jamie gave me and Cup a hug. This moment wasn't to bad. I actually felt relieved to tell them the truth.

Prince to a Maid (Maid Bendy x Rich Cuphead)Where stories live. Discover now