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Bendy POV

It was the middle of the day, Cup and Liam were outside playing as I put Jamie down for her nap. There was some stuff I wanted at the store so I decided to head there and leave Cup in charge of the kids.

"Okay Cup I'm leaving now. Jamie's sleeping in her room, check on her now and then please." I said getting into the car.

"Okay, will do." He said as I started the car and drove away.

Cuphead POV

Cup drove away as me and Liam had a pirate battle. He was on top of the little playground set we got from his grandma. It was fall and I noticed it started to get colder. He was only in pants and a t-shirt.

"Hey bud, I'm gonna go check on Jamie, and get your coat. Stay in the yard ok?" I said sternly. He nodded going down the slide. I went into the house leaving the door open wide to hear him. I went to Jamie's room seeing she was still sound asleep. I went to her kissing her forehead gently. I closed her door and headed to the laundry room. Bendy washed clothes and right now they were in a huge pile everywhere. I sighed taking in that Bendy wasn't much of a housewife. I found it amusing. I tried convincing him to stay in my old home but he refused. He wanted to give our kids a regular life instead of pampering them. I could understand that. So we moved into the suburbs. I dug through the pile of clothes trying to find Liam's coat.

Narrator POV

As Cup looked through the laundry, Liam was playing with his toys in the yard. The wind was blowing and it made him chilly. Liam looked across the street seeing a man in a truck staring at him. This made Liam uneasy. Something about the strange man struck him as bad. The man got out of his truck and started making his way to Liam. He stood up looking at the man hoping he was just going to see dad. Once the man was close enough he reached down and grabbed Liam harshly and began pulling him to his truck. Liam cried in fear for his dad as the man tried shutting him up. Cup heard his sons cry kicking in his father instincts. He ran outside seeing a man shoving his son into his car. As quick as possible Cup ran to the vehicle banging on the door. The man started up the car and began to drive off. Cup chased it down hitting the door trying to get Liam to open the door. It was to no avail as the man was holding Liam back. Losing the truck from lack of air, Cup immediately went to his car and chased him down while calling the cops.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"MY SON HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED BY SOME MAN IN A RED TRUCK! HE'S HEADING OUT ON HIGHWAY 34! PLEASE SEND HELP!" Cup yelled into the phone while hanging up. If anything were to happen to his son he could never forgive himself. He called Bendy to alert him of the situation.

"Hey Cu-"



"NO QUESTIONS BENDY! GET TO HER NOW!" I screamed while hanging up. I could see his truck in view. I immediately speeded up ramming into the side of the truck. Liam was crying and screaming which made me pissed and more worried. I tried ramming him again, except he pressed on the brakes causing me to ram into the railing of the road. I got out of my car running to the driver side busting the window with my hand causing gaping cuts to appear. But I didn't care, my son was the most important right now. I grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him out of the seat. I ripped off the hood to see who this fucker was. Dice...? HOW DARE HE!!!!

"YOU FUCKER! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TAKE MY SON!" I screamed punching him in the face and hitting him against the road.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" I couldn't stop myself. I wanted him dead. I was beating him to a bloody pulp. He was trying to stop my blows but it was to no avail. Cops began showing up and Bendy too with Jamie. The cops pulled me away from Dice and tried calming me down.

"NO! LET GO! HE TOUCHED MY SON! HE TOOK MY DAMN SON!" I exclaimed trying to pull away from them. They did everything to try and calm me down, but I only settled down when I saw Liam. I ran to him pulling his small form to me.

"Oh sweetheart daddy is so, so sorry..." I apologized feeling tears pour from my eyes. My precious son was beaten up. He had a black eye, bruised check and forehead, bloody nose and lip, their was a purple line around his neck obviously from being chocked. This is my fault.. I shouldn't have left him by himself. I should've taken him with me. I'm a horrible father.... I'll never forgive myself for this...

"My poor baby.. Daddy will never leave you again I promise." I swore hugging him and rubbing my hand on his head.

"I was so scared daddy..." Liam cried out hugging me tightly. Bendy came over in tears holding Jamie's hand. Jamie ran to her brother hugging him tightly. Liam hissed in pain, but hugged her back. Bendy too went to Liam checking his wounds and giving him a hug. He looked at me and went up to me. I felt a lump build in my throat.

"B-Bendy I-I'm so sorry. I-I know w-what I did. I-I" SMACK! I held my cheek feeling a sharp pain from where Bendy slapped me. Bendy was in tears and he was breathing heavily.

"HOW DARE YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!" Bendy screamed at me. I felt taken back and looked down in shame. I failed my duties of being a father. I felt Bendy's hands on my cheeks catching my attention. Bendy then placed a kiss on my lips.

"But thank you for saving our son. You were so brave and strong. I couldn't ask for a better husband or father." He said crying and kissed me again. I kissed him back and held him close. I pulled away and picked up both our kids. I went back to him.

"Oh gosh Cup look at your face too.." Bendy remarked softly touching a hug chip in my cheek which was bleeding. I didn't even notice.

"I'm sorry what happened kids. But dad's gonna do something about it." I remarked and gave them to Bendy.

"What are you doing Cup?" He asked.

"Making sure this dumbass pays." I said sternly going over to the cops. First he nearly ruins my relationship with Bendy and now he tried taking my son. This is to fucking far. I will make sure this bastard pays. Even if I have to kill him. No one hurts my family.. NO ONE.

Prince to a Maid (Maid Bendy x Rich Cuphead)Where stories live. Discover now