Chapter 16 - The Funeral

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Ambreea was dressed in. Ambreea didn't want a viewing because it would be too sad. She had a classic burial. It was beautiful and I knew it was painful for her. She cried the whole day, from the moment she got up till we were in bed. She gave hug and kisses to the people who came, still with wet cheeks. As the preacher spoke, the tears rolled harder and down her cheeks landing on her dress. She said goodbye as she dropped a photo of them in, and she walked away towards the car while her cried carried for all to hear.

When we were home, she laid in bed while the tv played movies. She didn't eat or drink, only got up to go to the bathroom. Once I showered and got in bed, she clung to me as if I was going to leave. I held her close and began to rub her back. I waited till I felt her breath evenly before I drifted to sleep.

I woke up to banging in the kitchen. I shot up and saw Ambreea was gone. I ran towards the noise and saw her pulling out a pan. I slowly walked over and saw a pan of black burnt - I don't even know what it was. "Sorry," she said and I just laughed. "I stopped paying attention."

"It's okay, why don't we order breakfast?" I asked and she nodded. She began to clean up and I knew what she was doing - trying to keep herself occupied. I came behind her and grabbed her hips, turning her to face me. I saw her eyes were swollen from crying and her cheeks were still red. I held her cheek in my hand and began to rub softly as my eyes scanned her face. "I love you," I said softly and she gave me a small smile.

"I love you too," she said before kissing me lightly. "Breakfast?" she asked and I nodded. I ordered online and had breakfast delivered to us. I got steak and eggs and she got a bagel. We ate at the counter sitting on the bar stools.

"What was that going to be?" I asked pointing to the black pan.

"Breakfast casserole," she said before laughing. "I just- I miss him," she said and her smile faded.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save him," I said sadly.

"Babe," she said grabbing my face in her hands before she continued, "You did nothing wrong. You saved me and- You did what you needed to."

"I just-" I began but she cut me off.

"No, don't do this. You saved me and I know that was my dad's only wishes. I love you both for what you guys did," she said and I nodded. I kissed her forehead and she gave me a hug. We finished breakfast and she got dressed. I followed after her and got dressed too.

"It's Monday," she said as she put her shoes on. I gave her a questionable look so she would continue. "I have to handle my fathers will," she said and I mouths 'o'. I got my shoes on and we went to my car. She gave me directions as I drove. We arrived at a tall building and walked in. Ambreea spoke to the lady at the front desk before we went to the elevator. I watched her as she tried to compose herself. I grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze before the doors opened. She led the way as I followed behind her. We arrived at a door and she knocked before opening. We heard a mumble of 'come in'. She opened the door and an elderly man sat at a desk.

"Ambreea!" he shouted and got up quickly. He gave her a hug as he spoke, "I am so sorry about your father. He was such a good friend of mine of time." She stayed silent and get sat back down. "Let's get to business then, shall we?" he asked and she nodded. "Your father has a lot saved for you. The business-" he began to read a piece of paper, "is yours. The house will be sold and you will get the money. My things will be donated and you can take what you wish. All my accounts will be in your name." He paused, "He wrote you a letter before he left the other day." He handed her a piece of paper and she slowly took it.

She opened it up and she let out a small cry. She handed it to me and I read it:

My sweetest Ambreea,

I am sorry if this involved my work, I never meant to leave so soon. You are my greatest treasure and I will always be with you.

Love, Dad

She leaned into me and I held her close. "Thank you," I said to the man as I reached out my hand to shake his. I held Ambreea close as we left and got in the car. We went back home to my place and we laid in been together again. We watched movies until we both fell asleep. 

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