Chapter 3 - the meet

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It's been three days since I called Ambreea. I haven't tried to call or text her since that night, nor has she called or texted me. I still play at the same spot, but now hoping that she will come by again.

It's getting dark and I think it's time to call it a night, so I pack up. I was about to walk into my building when she walked out linking her arm to mine. "You're not just gonna make a lady walk home by herself now, are ya?" She said pulling me quickly in her direction.

"Well of course not, and what is a beautiful young woman like yourself doing out here walking home alone?" I said looking at her and she laughed.

"Had to come and see my favorite guitar player play today since it's been awhile," she said looking up at me, and I smiled. "Now let's walk and talk, and talk and walk as you take me home."

"As you wish," I paused before looking to see if there were cars so we could cross the street. "You'll be leading the way I assume?" I said and she nodded.

"So, what made you want to play the guitar?" She asked.

"Well my dad played. His grandfather taught his dad, his dad taught him, and of course he taught me. So, I guess you could say it runs in the family," I said laughing at the end. "It became my passion, and I started to sing shortly after. So every chance I get, I do it in the same spot my great grandfather did when he first started to play."

"I see," she said and she just nodded. "I like that, I think it's cool. Play guitar and sing, I like it a lot actually. You do it very well, Lukas." She seemed to say it more to convince me that she really meant it. "I want to learn," she paused. "I want you to teach me," she finished.

"You want to learn to play the guitar?" I questioned and she stopped walking.

"What you don't think I could do it?" She questioned loudly.

"No, I didn't say that," I paused and looked down then back up at her. "No one's ever seemed so interested at what I do, so its.. Well it's new to me," I finished and she smiled.

"Well get used to it, you're gonna be dealing with a lot of that when you're with me," she said, then linked her arm with mine and made a left turn. We continued walking along the side of a building before making another left, then another, and just like that we ended up right where we started, at my building.

"My building? But what about your-" I said but she interrupted.

"This is where I stay now too," she said. "I just moved in about a week or two ago."

"Why? I mean why did you move here? My building?" I asked, full of questions.

"I like it here. I mean my dad- well my favorite guitar player plays here so I like to be able to hear him play whenever." She said nudging me and I laughed.

"Okay, okay, what floor are you?" I asked as we walked into the elevator.

"What floor are you?" She asked ignoring my question.

"Nine," I said and she nodded.

"I'm on three," she said but pushed the button that said nine. I looked to her and she turned to me with a smile. "If you're going to teach me how to play guitar, you gotta let me see your place first," she said and I nodded. The elevator stopped and we walked out. I walked to my room, it's room 301. "Aren't you going to open the door for the lady," she said in a weird tone that only made me laugh.

I took out my keys and unlocked the door. I turned the handle and opened the door taking a few steps in. I turned the light on and she stepped in closing the door behind her. "Well here we are ma lady," I said and she laughed.

"Well thank you, kind sir." She said with a bow.  

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