Chapter 14 - Wake up!

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I was laying there. Eyes closed but I heard so many sounds. Beeps and rings blending in with the voices.

I shoot up gasping for air and felt a hand on my back, but I jumped away at the touch. I looked over, Ambreea was there holding my hand and it took me moments before registering it. I signed in relief and she did to. She gave me a sad smile before leaning forward and kissing my forehead. "I'm sorry I did this to you, "she spoke with sad tone.

"You didn't do this," I spoke hearing a raspy stranger that was my voice. I looked down and shrugged as I saw my leg was wrapped up. "It was just a little cut," I said trying to make her smile again, which worked.

She let out a small laugh and smacked her head into her hand that wasn't holding mine, "why are you okay with this."

Now I laughed, "If you haven't realized, this is sort of normal for my job." Realization hit her and she climbed into the bed with me. I pulled her close and watched her carefully place her legs beside mine.

A nurse ran in and slowed down as Ambreea looked towards her. The lady gave me a look before turning to Ambreea with a light smile. I looked towards Ambreea sitting up strong and her body class as the nurse spoke, "Mrs., there's been an accident."

Time almost flew forward as I saw where I was. The nurse explained that her father was in a explosion. She ran out following the nurse and I was frozen. I couldn't move and help her. I just had to wait.


It had been three hours now and I still haven't seen her. The nurse came back and checked on me but with no information. I was running scenarios through my head as I sat there helpless. A tall man in a suite walked in, taking his hat off as he approached me. He stood to my left and began, "You're with Mrs. Ambreea?" I nodded in response. "Her father walked in his apartment this morning and a bong went off. He was rushed here and was under operation - he didn't make it," he paused. "Do you know anyone who would want to do this?" He spoke and I was shocked. Marcus must have known that he would have gone back there. If not him, Ambreea... either way he would have got what he wanted. I was brought back from my dozen when the man shook my hand, "do you know anyone who would try to do this?" I shook my head and he slowly left while telling me to rest.

The man left and I looked for my watch, nothing except a hospital gown. I sighed in frustration before hitting the help button. A nurse came and I explained I needed my belongings. She left and I slowly tried to sit up, she came back in with my things but tried to push me back down. I did as she said so she would leave. I grabbed my things from the table where she set them and grabbed my watch. I sent a message to my boss and began to dress myself. I saw a clean pile of clothes beside the bed that Ambreea had brought me. I slowly stood up and felt the pain rush up my leg. I left out a grunt but began to cloth myself.

After I was dressed, I grabbed a crutch that was leaned against the wall of my room. I headed out and asked for Ambreea's father-


I walked up and saw Ambreea knelt down beside her father. She was sobbing and I could hear the pain in her cries. I wobbled over behind her and placed my hand on her shoulder. She showed up and grabbed my beck, pulling me close. I dropped my crutch due to her sudden movement, but pulled her into my embrace. She cried as her body collapsed into me, I was now holding her up pulling her to sit down. I sat and she was now on top of me. A nurse came in and she just gave me a look of 'sorry' before backing back out. 

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