Chapter 13 - Here

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We finally arrived, after about 10 hours on the jet. It was long, but just the perfect amount of time for us to rest.

We landed in a small dirt patch next to a lake. My men were the first out and searched the area. Once it was clear, I walked out while guiding Ambreea behind me. Her hand was in mine, they were warm and soft. I looked up to her as she tried to give me a smile but it failed. A few tears escaped from her eyes and I pulled her down to me so I could hold her close. Her breath let out on huffs as I squeezed her closer. I pulled away quickly and kissed her softly on the forehead. "We have to go," I spoke softly and she pulled away to wipe her face clean again. She nodded and gestures ahead.

I turned around and saw my men start to break into their groups. I kept Ambreea close behind me as we went forward to where her father was being held. Once we reached a warehouse, I found a safe spot for Ambreea to stay. "Ambreea," I said softly and she looked to me. Her face slowly saddened because she knew what I was going to say. She just nodded and hid in between a pill of wood. I kissed her one last time before turning away.

As I walked towards my men, I heard her whisper, "Come back to me." I couldn't turn around because I knew I wouldn't leave her if I did.

We were lined on the outside of the warehouse trying to listen in when the doors burst open, "I'm tired of this. He always this he can treat us like shot because he has the money. Well one day-" a man spoke before being interrupted.

"Quiet down! He'll hear you," another man with a deep voice spoke. I peeked around the corner and saw one holding his nose with blood dripping down. "You know we need this check," the deep voice belonged to a older man. He was tall with broad shoulders. He looked up and I backed up before he could see me. I slowly peaked around and saw he was looking in the crack of the doors. He had a grey beard and almost looked like the younger man. They must be father and son.

I turned towards everyone, "Okay, I think we should come in from above. We need to make it up a level."

"I got this," Jackson said and nodded up. We all saw a window above. Jackson got Lineal and Zackery to give him a boost and he was in. We all followed as Jackson helped everyone in.

Once inside we spread out in groups of two: the brothers, Wallis and Jackson, Lineal and Zackery, Damon and Chase, Kynal and Stephan, then me.

I moved towards the middle slowly trying to get over to the edge. I could see Amvreea's father tied up with a bloody face. He looked pretty banged up. "They aren't coming," James said before spitting out some blood. Marcus was circling him and paused suddenly.

"Why don't we give them a call," he said and pulled out a phone. He dialed and it just rang and rang - no answer. He dialed again, nothing. He threw his phone in frustration. "Give me the camera!" He yelled and the young man from outside came back in. He started to set up a camera on a sand. While he was doing that, the elderly man came in with a gun, slowly unraveling it from a black cloth. Once he reached Marcus, he handed the gun over. It was that moment that Ambreea burst through the doors.

My jaw dropped as she spoke, "I'm here!" A smirk rose on Marcus's face. She walked in further and he turned the gun towards her. My men all slowly showed themselves.

"I knew you would show," he said before laughing. "You think I didn't research into you? I already have this place surrounded," he said and men rolled in on blacked or hummers from the front and bank. Guns were now aimed at my men, so they moved their guns toward who was aiming at them. Marcus then sang, "Lukas, where are you?"

I aimed at one of the men driving in the back hummer who slowly was getting out.
Everyone took cover. I drowned down to where James was. I cut him free with one swing as I heard gun fire around me. I pushed him aside before ducking from Marcus's swing. I watched James slowly try to run towards Ambreea, with that I felt a slam into my face.

After being snapped back to reality, I saw Marcus slowly swing and swing before I reflected a hit. I grabbed his arm and pulled him behind me. I was now on the ground as I watched his body fly over mine. I jumped up and so did Marcus. That was when I pulled my gun out, he froze with his hands up. I let out a small smirk before feeling a sharp pain in my leg. I feel to the ground and watched Marcus run towards James and Ambreea.

By this time, there's wild fire from both sides. I see a few body's drop out of hummers as my men cover in the back hummer. I slowly tried pushing myself up as I watched Ambreea and James try to fight past some men that came out of the hummer. Marcus was now entering the back of the hummer and I sprinted towards them. I watched James body fall towards the ground and I pulled out my gun. I shot at the man trying to hurt James. He fell and James tried to get back up.

Ambreea was now being pulled in my Marcus, "Go!" The vehicle started to back up but James had Ambreea.

"Dad, don't let go! Don't let go, dad!" She shouted and I watched as his grip loosened. I continued momentum and now was getting closer. The hummer turned and James had let go. The hummer started to move forward giving me just enough time to jump on. I was on the back side of the hummer. The drive stuck his gun out the window and tried shooting while driving. His aim was off and I kicked at the gun knocking t out of his hand. I reach my hand in and grab his shirt, then pull him forward slamming his face into the wheel. Over and over till I saw him go unconscious. I opened the door, pulled him out, then jumped in.

Ambreea was trying to escape Marcus's grip. I stopped the car hard, causing them both to fly forward. I quickly turned around aiming my gun at Marcus. His hands went up and he froze, again. "You got me," he said and I slowly took Ambreea's hand and pulled her towards the front seats. She squeezed through while I kept my aim on him.

"What do you see back there?" I asked and she looked towards the warehouse. She stayed quiet as she examined what was happening. I watched her face crinkle before smiling and covering her mouth.

"Their okay!" She exclaimed before hopping out of the hummer. I watched Marcus carefully as I got out of the vehicle. I pulled him out and he moved peacefully. I took a few seconds to look at Ambreea and saw he running towards James. I motioned Marcus forward and he did without causing issues. I looked up again and saw Jacob and Kaliningrad come out first them. Wallis, Chase, Jackson, Lineal, and Stephan. Once we reach James and Ambreea, Zackery came out holding up Damon.

I panicked as I noticed that Kynal wasn't there, "Where's Kynal?" Everyone looked around and I watched. Letting my guard down, Marcus turned around and was able to knock my gun out of my hand. I went to punch him, but he was a step ahead pulling me into him in a headlock. I felt cold metal to my neck as he held me closer.

"Back up!" Marcus yelled as everyone had their guns on us. Marcus pulled me as he slowly walks backwards.
*BANG* Everyone ducked.
Kynal slowly walked out of the warehouse holding his shoulder. There was blood dripping down and I sighed with relief. I stood up and saw Marcus's dead body drain of blood next to me. I glanced over to my men before turning over to Ambreea. I gave her a small smile and remembered the pain I felt in my leg.

My leg gave out, and I fell to the ground. My eyes slowly closed and I saw feet coming towards me. 

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