chapter 7-kissing to survive

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"wait Dezaray never told me she had a step brother" i said your i was quiet for a while " your lying to me!!" i shouted i was so mad i didn't think of what i was about to do i lifted the hand i had my beer in and smashed the bottle in his head he fell straight to the floor while i heard his mom call '911' i saw Dezaray's dad come out can gasped i quickly ran away "Dallas come back " her dad shouted i didn't listed and ran

CESAR'S (Dezaray's dad) POINT OF VIEW

i saw Dallas run and i knew he was drunk i stared to hate that kid i quickly got dash and carried him into my cop car and turned on the sirens and headed to the hospital i called Dash's mom

*phone call

Cesar: hey Sophia (Dash's mom)

Sophia: yeah Cesar I'm scared what do i do I'm outside

Cesar: no don't be scared I'm taking dash to the hospital and that boy that hit dash is Dezaray's boyfriend and stay outside wait for the cops tell them that he was drunk and all that you need to say

*call ended

Destiny's point of view

i woke up to my phone ringing i saw it was dad i quickly ran out of the room and into the hospitals hall way so i wouldn't wake Dezaray

* phone call

Destiny : hello?

dad: hey dest (nickname) I'm taking dash to the hospital ill be there in a minute

destiny: wait dad who's dash!? he your boyfriend don't tell me your gay (no offence to anybody who is gay i have nothing against gays) you see i always new you were gay when you had those mysterious calls you did not know how to flirt

*end of the call

"umm hello!? hello ....oh baby poop he hung up on me i this its because i found his secret" i said as i thought about it for a moment and shrugged and walked inside to Dezaray's hospital room

as soon as i walked in i saw Dezaray with her hand over her hand with tears rushing through her face looking at her phone i quickly dropped everything and ran to her what's wrong "dash is coming she said with a big smile across her face "oh dads boyfriend yeah he told he he was taking him here to the hospital that he got or something " i said as i shrugged "WHAT DASH IS DADS BOYFRIEND THAT'S CRAZY HE ONLY LIKE 17 AND DADS ON HIS LIKE ....LIKE ....LIKE 30'S!!!!!!!" Dezaray seemed to be screaming her head off

Dezaray seemed to be thinking in the but she was looking at the sealing "what cha' looking at ?" i said playfully while looking at the sealing too Dezaray looked at me as if i was stupid suddenly the door opened and we both turned to see who it was

it was a nurse " hello Dezaray I'm here to be taking of your casts you don't need them anymore" she said with a smile "but i have just got them?" Dezaray said with a worried look on ger face "oh no you didn't break your neck and arm you were about to they were very weak and if we didn't put them on you they would break " she told Dezaray as she un attached the neck brace and the arm one too

"oh and your dad is here to talk to you and he wants to be alone so you have to wait in the hall" she said as she pointed at "well ok " i said as i left

Dezaray's point of view

i saw Destiny leave the room and dad came in " hi dad " i said as i waved at him " listed do you remember dash ?" he asked "yeah dad Destiny told me about the whole you dating dash thing" i said "WHAT!!!! I'M NOT DATING DASH I'M DATING DASH'S MOM !!!!" he yelled "ohhhh that makes much more sense" i said nodding my head

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