My cinderella story

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Dezaray Mendoza

Destiny Mendoza

Cesar Mendoza

Dallas Green

Scott Brad

Luke Brad

Dash Mendoza

Monique Lee

Ashely Parker

Melissa Mendoza

Sophia Mendoza












This is my first creation on wattpad! AND GO EASY ON ME AND THIS DOSE INCLUDE CURSE WORDS  hope you like it lol^.^

                 CHAPTER 1

The sun rose in the sky you can hear mom singing in the shower and I knew it was time to get up. Hi my name is Dezaray Mendoza I have a twin named destiny she is so full of her self i know shes beautiful but you know it gets weird some times.

She has straight hair blue eyes and i have straight hair with green eyes. I'm into sports shes into fashion were both very popular ,which i don't really care about but she dose and her friends are the loudest people i have ever seen but  my friends are much quieter.

I got up and put on a designer top and blue jeans and some high tops I did my hair brushed my teeth and went to the dinning room where Destiny was putting on lip gloss and Martha was doing her hair into a messy bun.

"Martha can you tell Louis to make me pancakes?" i asked as i sat down in my chair "Oh me too" said destiny.

A few minutes later Louis came in and served us our food but we didnt eat untill my mom came so we juat made a small conversation as we waited.

mom came in a few minutes later and we ate together in silence wich was a bit weird since we were all always so energetic.

"Listen guys Your dad called and i asked if you guys could go over for a year and he said yes" mom said breaking the silence. "What! mom why did you do that!?" i protested "hey look honey we may be divorced but you are still his daughter " said my mom in a strict and angry mode.

"I guess your right " i said as i looked down to my food acepring it. I mean she was right he is my father after all it cabt be that bad.

"As long as Louis and Martha go I'm ok with it "said destiny in a happy tone. How can she even be happy we are leaving our mother for a year!

"Why do you need them!? "i asked as i pointed at Martha and Louis they looked at me strictly. Wow that came out a lot meaner that i wanted it to.

"Oh no offence" i said laughing right away  we all laughed. "I need Martha for my hair designing and Louis for making food duh!  what else?" said destiny as it if it was compleatly obvious.

"Oh well Dezaray and destiny you guys leave in three days so you should go shopping every day " My mom said as she placed a pice of pancake in her mouth.

" Why cant we just go shopping over there?" destiny asked with a mouth full of food.

"Oh because over there theirs only sport shops" mom said with a evil smirk playing on her lips.

My Cinderella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now