Chapter 16 - To Smile or Not To Smile

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But as they say, it was too late to get those words back. In this case, get those fancies erased from my memory. I was already facing the ramifications of my wild dreams. I was shivering, coming terms to my current realties - I had to be careful of not just what I say or do but also to what I think.

I tried again but in vain. He didn't listen any of my explanations. His mind was already set. Instead, he told me it was time I went home.

It was pretty late at night and he refused to let me go on my own. He decided he would drop me back in his car. That he was hurt in foot and my scarf was still tied around his wound was nothing to stop him. I debated with him for long before giving in. I was also thinking my father might be getting worried about me as it was already quite late.

In the end I felt it was for the best since my feet had started hurting with all the adventures I had had for a day. We sat back in his car, a black Audi this time, and went off to my place. I gave him my address and relaxed back as there was nothing else to do. If his foot was still hurting, he didn't show. Though he hadn't yet removed my scarf from his foot.

It took some time but finally we reached my place. It was inside a narrow lane, so Noberto car couldn't go all the way till my door. I told him I would walk the last few lanes to reach my place. He was not very comfortable with the idea but I definitely didn't want him walking around in my neighbourhood with that foot. As it is, driving itself would not have been very comfortable for him. Somehow I could convince him to leave from there. He agreed only on the condition that I would message him on reaching home.

I smiled but then realized I didn't have his number. He asked for my mobile, fed in his number and returned the phone. I was trying my best not to read anything special in the exchange but my heart couldn't help get excited by simple fact that I had his number in my phone.

Finally bidding him good night I got out of his car. Few minutes and I had reached my home. I quickly got in and found my father already asleep. I should have been here earlier to ensure he had his medicine but there was no point in waking him up. I knew it won't help.

Going to my room, I went flat on my bed. Too much had happened for a day. When did my sad, pathetic life turn into such an adventure I wondered? I was still fantasising on my bed when I suddenly remembered Noberto had asked me to message him. How could I forget it, I cursed myself. Was he still waiting for my message? I pulled out my cell phone and quickly typed,

"Thanks for the ride. I have reached home. Good night. J"

Looking at it for some time, I removed the smiley. Just because he dropped me home, I shouldn't forget I am not a friend to him. If anything, today's experience should have made that absolutely clear to me. Should I add something about the day? I was in two minds. But then sticking to our professional relationship, I decided to keep it to basic necessary communication as written.

I hit the send button. Even though I had told myself not to treat him as a friend, I kept staring at my mobile screen waiting for his response. Then when there was no response, I told myself he must be driving. Even then I kept waiting for couple of more minutes. Still when there was no response, I left the mobile on my bed and went to change my clothes.


Noberto was still waiting in the car at the same place where he had dropped Melanie. She had said she would manage but he was not sure. He kept waiting for her confirmatory message. Her place was supposed to be close from here, then what was taking so much time, he wondered restlessly telling himself one more time, he should have gone with her. While this was her area and he hadn't been here earlier he didn't get a feeling that it was a very safe locality. True, there were too many lanes and he would have had to step out of his car to go with her but at least then he wouldn't have been sitting there like an idiot waiting for a message which was not coming.

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