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" can you please not talk about that right now?" Jungkook said

Did something happen between them?

" Why should I not? Aera dear do you know what happened?" She asked

" Um no. I don't know anything" I said while eyeing Jungkook

" This Krystal came to our house last day and dumped my son because she never loved him and that she just did it for 'business purposes'. She acted like a bitch to me and said that she had a greater problem to deal with. And that problem happened to be you. She is probably waiting for you at your house right now" she sighed

So this was the reason Jungkook didn't let me go home because he knew Krystal would be there to create a scene. Wow. I feel betrayed by both kook and unnie.

" I'm sorry for bothering you. I shall take my leave now. Thanks for the food aunty!" I said and quickly left after grabbing my bag from the living room.

" Aera!! Aera wait!!" I heard Jungkook calling but I had a greater problem.

I ran home and stood in front of the door panting.

I opened the door with my spare key and saw Krystal sitting on the couch while playing with her nails with her feet on the coffee table.

" Keep your feet off my my table" I said. As soon as she saw me her lips curved into a smirk.

" Oh you're here! I suppose that Jungkook's mom already told you everything since you were spending time with her" she stood up.

" How do you know?" I asked
" Oh please. I have my ways. Now listen here. You are no match for me but still I don't know what mom needs you for but I have to obey my parents so you'll come with me." She took out her phone

" I am not going anywhere" I retorted but she had already called someone.

" Hello?"


" Hello sweetheart." She said
" I am not your sweetheart. Now spill. What do you want" he said in a dangerously low voice.
" I just want you to say bye to Aera since I'm taking her with me"
" I am not going afmghjf!!" someone covered my mouth with a cloth.
"Aera!! Aera!!"
" Mfghmm" I mumbled in a muffled voice but I could feel my eyes dripping close from the chloroform present on the cloth.

" Aera!! Answer me dammit!!" He yelled.
" She can't. Bye darling" Krystal cooed and hung up after crushing the phone under her heels

" Let's go" that was the last thing I heard before my eyes gave up.


Jungkook's p.o.v

" She can't. Bye darling" Krystal cooed and hung up.

" Dammit" I silently cursed.

Now what do I do. I am sure Krystal did something to Aera.

I called again but it said the the number no longer existed.

Of course that Krystal destroyed it. Shit.


3 days later

" No sign of her" Suga hyung said after searching for her since 3 days.

" Now how will I find her?!!" I cried out desperately.

Author's p.o.v
Jungkook cried helplessly after failing for the billionth time. The whole of bangtan was present there trying to find Aera but to no avail.

Three days had passed but still there was no clue to where she was. Just then Jungkook's phone went off indicating the receival of a message.

It was a video of Aera tied and beaten up, crying desperately while calling out his name. Jungkook's name.

" 6th Avenue downtown Street daegu. Come here within 2 days with the documents of the cafe that you opened a few months ago. Don't dare to trick me if you want to see her alive. Your time starts now sweetheart" Krystal smiled wickedly and slapped the tied girl before ending the video.

Aera's p.o.v

" Tell me!!" She slapped me.
" What is the password to the code to Mrs Jordan's company!" She slapped me again but harder.

" I won't" I felt a stinging pain after she slapped me again.
" Just you wait. After he arrives here you'll spill everything" she glared.

" Don't do anything to him. He has nothing to do with this. Leave him alone" I pleaded

" Then tell me the password" she threatened

" It's 65jordan3987" I replied disgusted in myself.

" That wasn't so hard now was it?" She smirked and left the room with her bodyguards.

This is all my fault!! I shouldn't have trusted her. Please don't let anything happen to kook or Mrs Jordan. I should've just stayed with Jungkook for the night.

I cried helplessly and desperately. My throat was dry and cracked from the lack of water and my energy had been drained from the excessive abuse and beating. I was helpless and miserable.

Please someone save me. Jungkook. I need you. Where are you now?

My body was numb and exhausted. I was struggling to get my hands free but I just felt what was either sweat or blood. I tried until I couldn't feel my fingers anymore.

I tried shouting but my throat was too dry and cracked. My tears had dried up and caked my face. I could feel my eyes drooping close. I tried staying awake but eventually gave into the darkness of either sleep or unconsciousness.


Author's p.o.v

Yoongi and Namjoon, the two extremely intelligent officers made up a plan and started discussing on how to get there and rescue her without getting in danger.

" So I have this map which shows the buildings and streets of daegu. After doing some hacking, we think that Aera is being held captive here" yoongi pointed at a building located quite far away from the city line.

" This is the most secretive building in daegu and not very often visited by people since it is known to be a common area for gangsters. It takes roughly about one hour and forty five minutes to reach daegu then we'll have to travel for an hour to reach the outskirts of the city where the building is located" Namjoon explained.

" We'll place special forces outside the building while Jungkook will go inside with the money and documents. If anything goes wrong then storm inside the building and do what is to be done. Am I clear?" Yoongi asked

" Yes sir!!" All the special forces said in unison.

Jungkook's p.o.v

Don't worry love. Just hang on a little more. We'll save you.

Just wait a little. Please.

Be strong love.

He said the kissed the photo of him and Aera gently, while a tear rolled down his rosy cheeks

A/n: I'm back bitches!! Sorry for the late update tho. Give lots of love to my fanfic ❤️

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