ch 11

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Here I was facing my mom. Dad had some stuff to do so he left leaving me with Mrs Jordan and Mrs Jung.

" Oh my Aera! Look at you all grown up!" She exclaimed.

" You wouldn't have been this suprised if you hadn't left me. To be precise, abandoned me." I snapped.

" I know. I'm sorry. But are you doing all right?"

" Without you both? Yes I'm doing very good actually" I replied.

" Aera. I'm your mother! You can't talk to me like that!" She raised her voice a little.

" Yes a mother who abandoned her child because she had depression. A mother who adopted her friend's child and refused to give her back to her own mother. A mother who never even aided me during difficulties. A mother who never tried to contact her child. You are my mother? Sure you are" I laughed sarcastically.

She was dumbstruck but recovered quickly

" I had my reasons" she stated glaring at me.

" What reasons mother? So that you can use Krystal to run your company?! So that you can get rid of me? " I snapped.

" Aera!" She yelled and the next moment, I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek.

" How dare you slap me when you've never even loved me?! You don't have the right to order me. Just because I grew more beautiful now and Krystal doesn't want to inherit your company, you want me to do that. But just know one thing mother, you'll never get what you want. I'm not a bakery. I won't sugarcoat anything you say. I'll tell what is right , not what you want me to" I stated and left.

A small tear trickled down my cheek.
" Aera? What happened inside?" Jimin asked, concern dripping from his voice.

I told him everything. He knew about my background so he understood my situation.

" I see. We'll talk about that later but first let's give a first aid to your cheek. It'll bruise." He said and took me to the washroom.

He applied some ointment on my cheek and then applied a band-aid.

It does hurt. I am sure that it'll bruise.

" Thank you chim" I smiled and he did too.

" It's okay. You can go home if you want. I can work your shift for today. I understand that you might have problem facing them right now" he offered.

" Thank you so much. I'll treat you later chim" I hugged him and left.

I left the cafe and went to the Namsan tower.

I dialled kook's number and waited for him to pick up.

" Hey Aera!"
" Hi. Umm can we meet now?" I asked

" Now? But I'm busy with some work. Can we meet some other day?" He said.

" When will you be done? I need to see you now. Please" I pleaded desperately.
" It'll take about one hour and forty five minutes" he said.

" Okay fine. I'm waiting at the Namsan tower" I said and hung up.

I sighed and looked up at the jewelled sky.

Ding. My phone went off.

Where are you?
_ Jimin.

I'm waiting for Jungkook to arrive.

" What?! He'll never come!"

Midnight Lover . J.Jk[On Going] Where stories live. Discover now