"NanFei, let me see you.."

He quickly knelt beside her and supported her hands, letting them entwine with her fingers.

"NanFei..we seen each other for the last few months, now a New Year is starting, I'm very happy that I have met you before my life ends.."

"N-no don't say that..."

The system said that you will be healed tomorrow, tomorrow everything will be fine...

Her hands found new strength and gripped his fingers tightly, a flicker of hope in her unfocused eyes as she coughed,

"Please take care of JunQing for me when I'm gone."

Both NanFei and JunQing were shocked by this sudden sentence.

They each grasped her hands, their eyes demanding an explanation from her,

She said nothing, only heaving afew times before patting the back of their hands.

FeiNan choked back tears and croaked,


In the last life he lost his mother due to an illness, he could not stop time from taking her. In this life....he was determined to help this woman...no his mother...

He whispered,

"System do you really not have a solution for her illness now?"

"Replying Host, system must adhere to the plotline, this woman is a key starting point of the Protaganist and Female Lead's relationship."

Using her fingers to flick the tears away, she said,

"Go have fun with JunQing, I'll be here waiting.."

There were slight voices of disapproval coming from both the boys, but her slight smile and small pats gradually ushered them out the door.

"We'll be back soon. Please crush this if anything happens."

He placed a small bead next to her, a red shiny bead, it serves as an alarm system that would immediately notify FeiNan.

They shuffled out the room, not forgetting to check back worriedly at the lady, earning a slight chuckle and wave of a hand at them, urging them to quickly go out.

Now walking towards the marketplace, JunQing could not help but ever so often sneak a glance at the part of the face exposed by the mask, like the nose, which was slightly red due to the intense rubbing it was subjected to.

Noticing how FeiNan had traces of tears, JunQing quickly took out a small handkerchief and stopped the young man in his tracks.


Soundlessly, he lightly wipes the tear streaks, the red glow from the lanterns lighting up the vicinity.

FeiNan was not used to this sudden contact, and he quickly tugged the handkerchief away, turning around and slightly lifting up his mask to wipe his entire face.

With the sudden loss of intimacy, JunQing's fist clenched and unclenched, looking at the back of the person that he knows yet does not know.

His hand reached out, fingers spreading apart wanting to tug the mask away.

Suddenly the FeiNan's shoulders tensed up,

"We have to go back!"

He whipped back towards JunQing with bloodshot eyes, the earrings he wore were now pulsating red, buzzing violently as the intensity of the light increased.

They rushed back towards the house, only to find the front door smashed opened, some flimsy wood panels and splinters hung from the hinges.

JunQing pulled the frantic FeiNan back and went forward himself, taking a step into the raided area.

The calming moonlight from before suddenly transformed into something more sinister, as it filters through the windows, casting shadows onto the floors.

Right infront of them was a man clad head to toe in black, leaving only a slit for his eyes to peek out. The dagger in his hands dripped with blood as he stared at the body beneath him.

Since the lady crushed something within her palms when she saw him enter, he simply chopped her hand off.

But it seems like he was too late, as now two young men have arrived to the scene.

He cranked his head up, glancing coldly at the both of them, settling his eyes on the stunned FeiNan.

A White mask...

Author's Note:
Exams exams~~

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