Chapter 15

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As the morning approached I sat on my bed wondering what my uncle Caspian might be thinking right at that moment. Was he thinking of ways that he would punish me if or when he escaped from prison? Or was he terrified of what his future might hold of him, would he be dead, would he be tortured, would he be sad for all of eternity, or would he be the same old evil uncle that everyone has always known.

I looked at Moray and wondered, if she was a rare type then, why had it been her egg on the beach, wouldn't it take a long time to find a dragon like her? I couldn't understand other than it had just been luck.

Moray looked at me, I could tell that she was bored.

Do you have anything that I can play with?" She asked.

Any dragon toys? If so then, no." I answered and she sighed.

I'll just play with the dolls." She replied and then suddenly she was an elven girl like me.

I studied her as she played with my little dolls and I saw how short and adorable she was, her eyes were somewhat huge and her expression was blank, but then it turned to fear when she was suddenly into her little doll game. "What happened?"

Elizabeth just died from a sickness." Moray answered and suddenly she was crying.

Who's Elizabeth?" I asked.

She's a human girl who made a difference in the human world, she fell I love with Shark, a water elf." She explained.

How did they meet?" I asked.

Well, Elizabeth went on an adventure on something called a ship, but there was a storm which took the ship to this continent where she met Shark here." Moray answered.

Wow, can I play?" I asked, suddenly very interested.

You want to play with me?" She asked.

Yeah." I answered. "It looks fun."

Sure! Of course you can! I have never played anything with anyone before!" She cheered in exitement as she handed me a doll. "You can play as her, you can choose her name."

I have an idea." I said.

What?" She asked.

Lets go outside and play." I answered. "Maybe we can go play with the other elves around the village."

That sounds fun! Can I be Elizabeth?" Moray asked.

Yeah, and I'll be your best friend Lilly." I answered.

Yay! I'm so exited!" She cheered.

We ran out into the kitchen and Grammy looked at us in surprise, then examined Moray. "River, who is this and how did I not know that she came inside?"

This is my friend Moray, we just met and she came over while you were busy." I explained.

Ok." She replied.

Grammy, can Moray and I go to the village?" I asked.

Why?" She asked.

We want to go meet other elves our age." I answered.

She thought about it for a while then sighed. "Yes, I suppose you can go."

Yay!" Moray and I cheered as we ran out the door, I didn't even hear what Grammy said afterwards but I'm sure it wasn't important.


After we got to the village we started looking around, listening for laughter and looking for elves their age to play with.

Where is everyone?" Moray asked.

I do not know, I have never really been in the village, I only came here once and that was at night." I answered.

There are no elves like us playing outside, why not?" She asked.

Maybe everyone thinks that my uncle is still around, maybe they do not know that he was taken away." I answered.

Then we should look around, ask other elves if they have any elven children." She said.

The older elves do not like younger elves like us." I replied.

They might." She answered and she went over to a small little cottage. "Hello! Is anyone there?"

The door opened and an elven woman stood in the way. "What do you want?"

We were wondering if you have any kids." I answered.

Yes, I have a child but he is in no condition to be playing with a bunch of girls like you two." The woman hissed.

But mother, I want to play." Someone said from behind the woman.

No, they are girls, you only play with boys and I do not see any in this little group." The woman snapped.

But all the other boys only play with weapons and pretend to kill eachother, I want to play a different game." The little boy whined.

Go to the market like a good boy, then get home quickly, who knows where that evil little creature is." His mother hissed.

You mean king Caspian?" The little boy asked.

Ma'am, Caspian was taken away yesterday, he's been taken to the ice kingdom where he is prisoner." I explained.

The woman was in shock but then she smirked. "Well then, I guess since I am the only sophisticated elf here, I shall take the throne because Caspian's old hag of a mother is dying so she cant take the throne and Caspian's little niece River is dead and so, there is no one else, I'm going to go there today." The woman laughed.

Never speak about my grandmother that way." I hissed.

That old stupid elf is your grandmother?! Well, you must be as stupid as her as well." The woman growled. "Hurri, stay here, I am going to go to the palace and take the crown as my own."

As we watched the elf leave the boy looked at us with interest. "My name is Hurricane, can I join your group?"

Sure." Moray said cheerfully and Hurricane smiled.

So this is Moray, and my name is River." I said and he smiled at the two of us.

It is nice to meet you, so is this just a one time thing or, are we going to play every day or week?" He asked.

We are going to try for every day but I think every week will work better." Moray answered. "River is going to be pretty busy soon."

With marriage, cooking, cleaning, I know it all." The boy said and I tilted my head in confusion.

I am not getting married and that is not the work I am going to be doing." I answered.

Oh, well, my dad lived in the fire kingdom and so did my mother before I was born and that is what she told me what happened to girls at a certain age." He replied.

Come on! Lets go find more children!" Moray said.

I know some who live nearby, there is Ocean, Brooklyn, Eel, and Pearl, but Pearl is older then us, she was also married to Caspian, but now she can come play." Hurricane explained.

Then we should go ask if they would like to play with us." I replied as we started walking down the path towards more cottages.

Elves In Between the River BedWhere stories live. Discover now