The Way You Trust Me

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☆I would like to quickly apologize for the lack of updates these last two weeks, Wensday the 26th was my birthday and I was out of town so we decided not to post that day, but last week we just didn't have enough material for a chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience, please enjoy this week's chapter. ☆

It was hard to tell where Ethan’s lips began and Tyler’s lips ended. The two men were tangled up in each other’s limbs as they continued to kiss each other. Vaguely in the back of Ethan’s cloudy mind he realized that Aremis was still in the bed with them, and that thought was the only reason why he wasn’t trying to do any more with the man underneath him.

“I love you,” Tyler sighed into the smaller man’s ear.

“I love you too,” Ethan whispered back.

The Amare grunted and opened his large blue eyes, blinking slowly at the other men. A small smile appeared on his lips as he watched as the two most gorgeous humans he had ever had the pleasure of knowing expressed such an amazing love. It was beautiful, pure and completely invaded his own heart and mind.

He tried his best to stay quiet so the two wouldn't notice he was awake, but with a final smack of the couple's lips Ethan was turning and laying his head against Tyler's chest, spotting his blue eyes. He could faintly see his cheeks light up in a bright blush, the dim lighting covering most of it though.

“Good morning.” Ethan smiled softly at him as Tyler shifted below him, two sets of eyes now landing on the Amare as they mumbled their own early morning greetings. Tyler’s voice was much deeper then he remembered, and the gravely tone seemed to make Ethan shiver.

“Morning Aremis, we didn't . . wake you up, did we?”

The Amare shook his handsome head no as he shuffled over to the two men. Ethan chuckled at the way Aremis lifted his hand to touch the pillow where Tyler was still resting his head.

“Good morning, Master Ethan and Tyler,” he whispered. “It’s nice to see you both so happy today. I assume that our dream is part of the reason why?”

Tyler lifted his eyebrow, then looked slowly to Ethan. The smaller man’s face turned bright pink and he began to stammer.

“That...umm...yeah, maybe?”

Tyler shuffled below Ethan so he could get a better look at him, but the smaller man quickly hid his burning face in his boyfriend's neck. Aremis smiled a little wider at the action, while Tyler only frowned a little more in confusion.

“Dream? What dream?” When Ethan only groaned as an answer Tyler turned his attention to the alien laying beside him, but he merely grinned and pushed himself up onto his knees, brushing his hair behind one ear as he looked down at them.

“I wish I could tell you about it Master Tyler, and if it were my dream alone I would have no problem in doing so. But it is not completely mine so I have no right to tell it without Master Ethan's permission.”

Ethan could almost feel his boyfriend’s heart skip a beat at Aremis’ words, and the small giggle from the Amare’s lips didn’t help a thing. Ethan pretended to snore and relax his body. Maybe Tyler would think that he fell back asleep?

“Nice try, babe.” Tyler grumbled. “Now out with it. What’s Aremis talking about?”

“It was just a silly dream about us by a tree,” Ethan replied, trying to keep his tone light and casual. “Just a nice little dream is all. Like a picnic.”

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