The First Encounter

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I forgot to mention in the first chapter but updates will be every Wensday. With that being said, I hope you enjoy the chapter. ♡

Tyler turns away from the green eyes, his own steely blue gaze narrowed as he definitely hears what the other man heard too. It's a soft sound of something like rustling through the bushes very close to where they are standing together. Whatever is making the noise is using careful steps, as if sneaking up on them in the quietest way possible. The idea of whatever this thing was in the dark having sharp claws and sharper teeth doesn't do anything to help Tyler feels less nervous. He tightened the hold on Ethan's arm and moves him away from the approaching creature. The younger man only hesitates for an instant before allowing his much taller boyfriend to protect him, his heart beating fast in his small chest.

"If anything jumps out of that thicket that's bigger than a fucking squirrel, you run, ok? Don't stop running until you get back to the camp, and call for help."

"I'm not leaving you - "

"Yes, you are," Tyler hissed back. "You run and don't worry about me until you get somewhere safe. I can't lose you, babe."

The shaky tone of his voice makes Ethan inhale deeply, but he nodded at the serious look in the other man's face.

"Ok, I promise that I'll run if it comes to that."

Tyler slid one hand down into the small belt around waist that held the bear spray and the handgun, unbuttoning the protective leather latch that kept them in place, he pushed the spray into one of Ethan's hands, fully aware that the man knew how to use it, while he pulled the pistol from its holster with the other; he didn't even take his eyes off the forest as he pushed the release on the grip panel, letting the magazine fall into his waiting palm, his thumb quickly running across the top to make sure it was fully loaded with blanks before he slipped it back with an affirmative click. The calm way Tyler acted while doing all of this would have been extremely attractive if it wasn't for the circumstance.

Tyler tried to think of what could be just out of their sight, hiding in the darkness. The footfall didn't sound heavy, so that left out a bear, there was only one set, so it was unlikely to be a wolf, perhaps a coyote? No, it was moving way to cautiously. Which only left one major threat in his mind, so he threw dignity to the wind and stood up tall, letting out his most convincing bark.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Ethan hissed, his eyes wide with fear as he looked between his boyfriend and the brush. But before Tyler couldn't even start to explain his guess on the creature being a cougar, he was shocked into silence as his bark was returned by another, very small yip-like one.

"What in the hell?" Tyler muttered as he stared into the brush.

"It sounded like...a dog," Ethan whispered, and he began to step around Tyler to see closer.

Then in a quick motion a small dog pushed its way through the thick branches. It's bright white fur was striking against the darkness of the wooded area around it. The small body was covered with a tangle of curls the color of new fallen snow, and you could just see the black spot floating where a nose would reasonably be located.

The fur was so long that it completely hid the canine's fluffy feet, so it looked as if it was almost hovering just above the dirt floor. Ethan cooed so loudly, that both the dog and Tyler jumped a bit. The small tail wagged happily at the noise, and began to slowly move towards the two men.

"Tyler, it's adorable!"

"Hang on just a second," Tyler replied, his long arm stopping Ethan from getting any closer. "We don't know anything about this dog. It could be dangerous."

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