Chapter 35: Time Out

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Jimin wishes time would stop.

Just for a moment, just so he can catch his breath.

Between the civil war and moody Yoongi, any chance of peace dissipated, leaving behind chaos.

He cannot complain, he's a prince after all. It is his job to be the mediator between his people.

Unfortunately, he has no idea what being a Blessed is like. He understands what the Normals feel, he felt the same as well before he became open-minded.

Jimin, with the help of Hoseok's charisma, hopes he can open their minds.

He has to.


Something else has been taking over his mind.


The deadline is coming.

And he has yet to propose to her in real life.

He needs to act fast.

Time is running out, fast.

Only two more weeks.

"Lady Raven. How pleasant it is to finally meet you. As you know, I am Belle the Timeless, the pope here."

Raven stood, bowing to the pope. The others followed her example, muttering their names.

"Lady Belle, thank you for your warm welcome. Please, treat me as your equal and nothing more."

The pope smiled a warm smile.

She's... something else.

"Well, Raven, you are just as the gods say. But before we can get to know each other any better, allow me to lead you to the Prayer Room. The Time gods themselves need to speak with you. They have some... concerns they wish to address."

"O-oh yes, of course. Let's go immediately."

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