Chapter 20: Gift of the Gods

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The gods felt bad.

They really did.

But they didn't have a choice.

So they decided to gift a certain prince a little something special.

The ability to communicate with Raven via dreams.

They hope something good for Raven comes out of this.

Because she of all people deserves it.

Raven sat on the bed provided by the kind old woman, Yuna. Yuna ran a quiant little inn, providing travellers with food and a place to stay. Yuna was kind enough to let Raven stay for free.

She was tired. It was getting night time at Daegu, she can feel it.

How long was she out for?

She can't worry about that right now. She needs rest.

And with that, she fell fast asleep.

Raven normally doesn't have dreams.

But for some reason she did.

She dreamt that she was sitting on the roots of a giant tree with golden leaves falling from the sky. Grass and flowers littered as far as the eye could see. Raven stood, examining her surroundings.



Raven's head whipped to the direction of the voice.

Below her was Jimin.

A Jimin dressed in all white.


Raven hopped down from the giant root, landing in front if him. That was when she noticed that she had no shoes. Jimin looked at her, taking note of her white dress.

"Where are we?"

Raven looked around once more. She sensed some form of familiarity. It clicked in her head.

"The gods made this."

Jimin looked shocked.

The gods made this place. Why?

Wait Raven is ALIVE!

"Raven how are you alive? I literally saw your lifeless body!"

Raven gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean? I didn't die. I was teleported to a desert. I think the gods are up to something..."

Jimin fell silent for a second. Suddenly, he wrapped her in a warm hug.

"Thank the gods that you are alive."

He squeezed her some, holding her for as long as he could. Raven was shocked, but returned the hug nonetheless.


He made the move to say something else, separating himself from her.

But just like that, she woke up.

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