Chapter 11: Corrupted Love

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~There is mentions of abuse in this chapter~

Your time is not yet done.
You still have a mission to complete.
But you will have to compete
For the affection of the one you love
Rise above
And complete the end
For it shall mend
Or destroy you.
Be careful.
Leave Daegu.
Go to Busan.
Talk to the pope.
Get the knowledge you require.

Raven rubbed her head in pain, not expecting the sudden appearance of the gods' voices. It happens every so often, each time giving her a small pinching in the brain. The pain goes by fast, only affecting her for a few minutes.

Being a direct descendent of Lady Lumina had two major consequences. One of them being that the gods spoke to you every so often. Kinda freaky at times, but its easy to live with. Sometimes they give out missions for her to do, sometimes they just wanna hear about how she is doing. The other consequence has a greater impact. No matter who your other parent is, you are always Blessed. The powers aren't just any type of power, no, its a watered down version of some of Lumina's powers.


Raven and Yoongi are not full blooded siblings. The previous Golden One had a child with their father, before he became all corrupted. Yes, he used to be a good person. Shocking, isn't it? That child came to be Raven. Yoongi is older than Raven, and as you are probably thinking affair, right?


Yoongi's mom and their father weren't married when Raven was born. Their father was a guardian to the previous Golden One. When she was starting to disappear, their father sought out comfort in Yoongi's mother. That resulted in Yoongi. Before the Golden One disappeared though, she told their father that she loved him. Their father returned those feelings, leading to Raven.

This is why Yoongi's mother hates Raven so much. Raven is the product of love, while Yoongi was not. She tries her absolute hardest to break Raven's spirit. Raven's mother did die giving birth to her, which is why she was being raised by Yoongi's mother. Her mission to break Raven's spirit became a lot easier then. Soon after her birth, their father came corrupt, falling in love with Yoongi's mother. They got married and three years ago had a daughter together. Their father spoils Raven a lot. He just doesn't listen to her or let her do the things she wants. He wants her to fully depend on men to do all the work while she sits back and relax.

She simply cannot do that.

That is also why he is so harsh on Yoongi. He wants to make him strong, but the way he is doing it is through abuse. Scare tactics essentially. He forced Yoongi into guard school instead of becoming a magistrate like Yoongi wanted to do.

Their family is violent to both of them. Except if Raven showed any signs of abuse, they would loose them both in a heart beat. It was difficult for Yoongi to speak up because it was so normal for fathers to beat their sons when they did something wrong. The people of the town assumed that Yoongi was a troubled kid.

When Raven defended herself at that moment, they all realized that this was far too normal for the both of them.

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