Chapter One

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Our story was the typical middle school relationship. Except we stayed together throughout Middle School all the way to High School. We met while he was playing video games with my best guy friend, Justin, during our 5th hour in the 7th grade. A week later, to my surprise, he messaged me on Facebook. The more we talked, which was a lot, the more I developed feelings.

My name is Elizabeth Banner, I am 17 years old and have about medium length hair that is light brown. My eyes are so dark brown, many would mistake it for black. I am about 5'5 and I would say average weight. I am not the athletic type at all. I only play sports when forced to during gym class. And I am in love with Nathaniel Price.

Nathaniel is 18 years old and has blonde hair the flips across his face. His eyes are a light shade of brown, which are so easy to get lost in. He is about 5'9 and not fat but not super thin. He spent his childhood doing sports, but quit in high school to concentrate towards school. He was an honors student, so he left to devote his time to school.


It is now the 4th quarter of 11th grade. I am bored out of my mind waiting for his text. Today at school he told me he wants to hang out today, but knowing Nathan, he wouldn't text me until last minute. I sat up and went to my laptop and went on Facebook to look at the newsfeed, which is basically what I do when there is nothing on my agenda. I already finished my homework and daily chores. Suddenly, my phone goes off.

"Hey babe, you should come over. We haven't hung out for a long time and I miss cuddling with you!"

I responded to his text almost immediately. Well I guess you could say I was the one who answered a text faster, but it wouldnt be like that if I actually had something to do. I spend my days usually drawing or watching Netflix.

"Yeah, of course I'll be there soon! Talk to you later <3 I love you."

"Love you too."

I put my phone in my back pocket, grabbed my car keys off my computer desk and made my way towards the door. I walk to my front door and called out to my mom.

"Hey mom, I'll be back later. I'm going to Shaun's house for a while."

"Okay dear, behave."

"I will."

I sit down in my car and start it. That's when I see my neighbor, Mr. Henderson. He worries me, considering whenever I see him he's on his porch staring at everyone. I never see him do anything, just staring. When we first moved in, my mother and I made the effort of speaking with him and he just stood there awkwardly saying nothing. Ever since that day, he just stares at me like I'm some sort of toy. Ew . I begin driving to Nathaniels house and ignore the piercing stares.


I arrived at Nathaniels house to notice there were no cars. So we will be alone? Whenever I come over, at least his sister, Hannah, would be home with us. I walk to the door and ring the doorbell. It's such a nice day out. The sky is blue with just enough clouds to block the sun out while I stand by Nathaniel's beautiful garden. The flowers were gorgeous and it just made everything lighten up. I brushed my converse against the rug outside the door that says, " Welcome" on it.

     The door finally opens and there before me stands Nathaniel smiling at me.

   "Well hello, beautiful."

   "Hey, where's your family?"

    "Out right now, but they'll be back later."

     I nod my head and walk in the house. I am welcomed by the sweet faint scent of cinnamon and the perfectly neat house. There house was always so nice to be in . You could always feel welcome and his family is really nice and funny. The only ones who lived there was Nathaniel, his mother, and his sister Hannah. The first day I met his family, they joked around with me so I could feel more open with them. That helped a lot, because I'm a very shy person.

    I was broken out of thought when Nathaniel grabbed my waist from behind and kissed my cheek and began speaking.

     "Baby, I miss kissing you. You never come over anymore."

     "Well, you're always busy with your work and such."

     "I know, and I'm sorry for that. But that can change."

     I flashed a smile to him, walked to his living room and plopped down on his couch. He sat beside me and turned on the tv and we watched the Simpson's.

   A few hours passed and I guess I fell asleep. It was then 9 o' clock and when I checked my phone for the time, I saw that I had a message waiting for me. Nathan was sleeping on the other side of the couch and I didn't hear anyone else in the house. I opened my phone to check who texted me and it was an unknown number. But the message is what surprised me...

    There was a picture of Nathan kissing another girl. I know her, she goes to our school. Her name is Candy. There are people in the back who are kissing and drinking, so it must have been a party. That's very unusual, considering he never mentioned a party... Then again he never mentioned cheating on me. Rage built up in me and all I wanted to do was scream. I have never felt this upset and betrayed, and I felt my heart shatter. I would have never thought he would do something like that... I had so much anger I couldn't hold it in, so I didn't . I lost control. I just completely went off. I couldn't control anything coming out of my mouth and at this point, I didn't care. He was getting what he deserved.


     I completely lost as I felt tears pour down my face. I'm ... And while I'm screaming and crying, Nathan just looks terrified and a little confused. That's when I stand up and storm out of his house and towards my car. I see him standing at his door as I go in my car and lock the doors and start driving. I need to leave that house right now. My mind is going crazy, I can't take this. I need to go home, and calm down. My mind was everywhere and that's when it happened....


Hah, cliffhanger? What do you guys think happened? Hmmm? I'm having a great time with this story so far c: I'm redoing my last story that I was hardly in to. I wasn't happy with how it was going. but I'm happy with this , so I'll keep going an  hopefully get readers . I love writing , so support could really help . but I'm not all about that . I just love writing !!! But if anyone wants to message me and help me brainstorm with this book or another book , that could be awesome . We would share the credit of course . And I need a better cover for this book , so if any of you cool dudes want to help out that would be awesome !!!! Byeeeehomies , keep being amazing !


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