Oh, shit. I forgot her name.

It’s Adeline Woods, you idiot! How can you not remember our mate’s name! You stupid shit! Jason shouted at me. “Uh, yes I do. Her name is Adeline Woods.”

“Your wolf told you, didn’t he?” Joshua said with amusement.

Oh great he caught me. “Yeah, whatever. Anything new during patrol?”

He laughed. “No, not really. Another human family is moving here. I already checked their backgrounds and their clean. So nothing to worry about.”

“Alright, good. Let’s go home, I’m getting tired.” I yawned.

“Did staring through Adeline’s window have you tired?” Joshua laughed.


“Dude, your face is red!” Joshua was laughing hysterically. I swear I’m going to kill him.

“Whatever, l-let’s just go home already.”

“Hahaha, alright.”


My family and I are moving to Washington State from Pennsylvania, but don’t know where exactly. My best friend Adeline moved to Washington as well and again, don’t know exactly. My parents wanted to have a fresh start for some reason, but who knows unless it’s cool place to live then I’m fine. I’m Mexican American, my father is American and my mom is Mexican. Soy una Latina o una Hispana. I’m Latin or Hispanic, it’s kind of confusing though. I have an older brother who’s an architect in Washington State, so it’s probably the reason we’re moving there. I also have a little sister named Maria, she’s the most adorable little sister I ever had she’s like about eight months. My brother hasn’t seen her before, but I bet he’s dying to see his baby sister.

The only person I’m eager to see besides my brother is my best friend Adeline Woods. Adeline or Addy, my dear friend, my wondrous friend, I hope you’re there when I move there. Please Jesus. I’m not religious just so you know, I’m just saying it because I’m wondering it would actually work, who knows.

Several hours later.

We arrived at the green Victorian house. Ohh, I always wanted to live in a Victorian house. Our neighbor’s house was a blue Victorian house that made it seem like we’re in ocean shores. I saw their car green and blue KIA vehicles. Wait, the only people I know who would have a green and blue KIA’s are my best friend’s family. They’re the only family in my town that has KIA’s; other town’s people would get Ford or Chevy, so lame.

No manches. I have to make sure though, in the blue KIA Adeline always had a Korean boy band or girl group hanging on the rearview mirror. Well Adeline, doesn’t know how to drive yet only her brother. She always asking her brother to let her put her souvenirs, but her brother always says no. Until she puts on her ultimate weapon, the puppy faces. The puppy face that her brother can never say no to, not even I. As I got closer to the blue KIA getting nervous, there I saw it B.A.P’s Matoki dolls. HOLY SHNAPS! HOLY SHNAPS! She’s here! Gracias, Jesus.(Thank you Jesus)

“Hey, Valentina! Where are you doing?” My father asked curiously, probably thinking what the hell I am doing.

“Papa, Adeline esta aqui.” Answered him saying that Addy is here. I excitedly pointed the green and blue KIA. His eyes widened and had a huge smile on his face.  I immediately went to the blue Victorian house, rang the doorbell like crazy. It’s a good thing today is Saturday.

“I’m coming! Geez, don’t break the doorbell!” I heard a familiar voice. It’s my chica, Addy. Then she opened her door, she saw me and went to a total shock to a huge smile on her face. “OH MY GOOOODDDD!!!!!!”

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