Chapter 38: Everyday Life

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I'm so lucky to be here...

I propped myself up into a sitting position as I gazed at my sleeping mate, a wide smile painting my lips. I ruffled his blue locks with my hand, the strands becoming even more messed up.

Chrom usually woke up before me, but he came to bed late last night. Our male friends wanted to take him out in celebration of our mating ceremony - which was a few days ago. Our bond was acknowledged a week ago but it still felt like yesterday. By the time Chrom returned home, it was long past midnight and he was deader than a rock. I briefly awoke when he collapsed next to me, but fell back asleep as soon as he wrapped his arms around me.

Our ceremony was a small affair but certainly more than I could have ever hoped for. Our friends were there to witness as Chrom and I exchanged vows at the Temple of Naga. We couldn't help ourselves by grinning like idiots the entire time Emmeryn was officiating. And we could barely slide the rings on each other's fingers without shaking from excitement. After the ceremony, the whole city rejoiced in celebration. After all, now that I was officially Chrom's mate, I was considered royalty. Emmeryn gave us a little bit of a grace period so we didn't have to worry about our royal duties for a few days. However, as soon as that was over, my duties as a Luna princess would start.

But I didn't need to think about that. Sure, I was excited to start, but right now was time for me and my mate. Nothing else. This was also a good time for me to get used to my new home. All of my things were moved into Chrom's place pretty much the day I decided I wanted to be with him. It was nice living close to all of my friends, and we still are close to them, but Chrom and I needed our own space. It was also a good place to raise a family in. Not that we were planning on starting one anytime soon.

I bent down and kissed his forehead, slicking back his bangs. "Heart of my heart," I mumbled. He didn't stir. Gods, he must have been really tired if he hasn't woken up, yet!

I peeled the covers off of me and slid out of bed, making sure Chrom was tucked in with enough blankets. The February chill wouldn't give up for anyone, after all. I crossed over to his side of the bed and kissed his forehead once more. To my surprise, his eyes slightly cracked open. He weakly growled deep in his throat, tugging the blankets closer.

I giggled, cupping his cheek. "You can go back to sleep, love," I whispered. "I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast in you need anything." I pecked the tip of his nose.

As I got up to leave our bedroom, I saw his eyes flutter shut. My poor puppy. Oh, well. He'll feel better in a few hours.


"Morning..." Chrom rumbled as he entered the kitchen.

My ears pricked, surprised at his arrival. "Chrom? I thought you would want to sleep for a few more hours?" I asked. I stopped my work of cutting up a loaf of bread as I focused my attention on my mate.

Our kitchen and dining room were joint together. The whole interior of our home was of a similar layout of my old home; the only differences were some of the furniture, room sizes, and even the number of rooms. Even the base wood furniture and the like were lighter in color.

He shook his head, taking a seat at the table. "I didn't want you to be lonely all morning..." he managed to say, reaching for the teapot and pouring himself a hearty amount. He normally took his tea without anything in it, but seeing him chug an entire mug and then pour some more was almost animalistic. "Plus, I have some things to do."

I sighed, turning back to the bread. "I'm never lonely, my love. Now that our bond has been recognized, I can always feel your presence." It was a strange feeling, being someone's mate. Sharing the soul of your mate is not a figure of speech. We legitimately share souls. I could feel whenever he felt strong emotions. Our bond was truly indescribable, really. "Would you like your bread toasted or plain?"

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