Chapter 16: The Moon Mother

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I began trembling as soon as we stepped into The Great Tree. Will Emmeryn allow me to stay? She was gracious enough to shelter me while I recovered from injury, but will she be ok with this? What if this does kill me? Do I really want to die?

No. No, death is better than going back to the Humans. I can do this. I'm going to survive these Trials and the Rite and become Luna! I'm going to finally be free!

...But what if I can't? I don't even know what these Trials are! Gods, I'm such an idiot!

"Calm yourself, Anna." Chrom smiled, placing a hand on my back. "Everything will be alright."

I fidgeted with my hands. "W-will your sister allow me to perform the Rite? I know that letting in an outsider is dangerous and I can die, but-"

"Hush. Emm will understand." He winked. "You live too much in your head, you know? Try living in the present."

I elbowed him, hard. "Well, I kinda can't get out of my head." I frowned. "When you live my life, you find that your head is the most entertaining place to be."

He rubbed his side and stuck his tongue out at me. "Well, I hope that you'll be able to leave your mind every once and awhile now that you're going to live among us."

"If I live among you."

"You will," Chrom smiled. "It's around suppertime, so Lissa and Emm should be in the dining room."

I nodded, anxiety bubbling in my chest. "Alright..." I glanced up at him. "Thank you for doing this... I know it was counterproductive for us to go to the border, only for me to change my mind..."

"Hey, don't worry about it." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I understand that this is a really tough decision to make. Naga knows that I would never be able to separate myself from my family and friends."

I opened my mouth to say something, but voices echoed through the halls as we neared the dining room.

"I really miss Anna..." Lissa sighed. "I hope we get to see her again."

Emmeryn chuckled. "Maybe someday, Little Sister. In fact, my heart tells me that we definitely will be seeing her in the future."

Chrom smirked as the opportunity presented itself. "Well, what about now?" He stepped into the room. I followed close behind him.

My heart warmed as Lissa's face lit up. "Anna!!!" She shot up from her chair and threw her arms around me.

I laughed, returning the blonde's hug. "I missed you too, Lissa."

"Chrom, did something happen?" Emmeryn asked, walking to us.

Chrom and I exchanged a glance. "Er, perhaps you should tell her," he said.

I gulped, prying myself away from Lissa and nodded. "Lady Emmeryn." I stood tall and proud, looking her straight in the eye. "I would like to become Luna."

Emmeryn's eyes widened in shock. "W-what?! What brings this on?"

I wanted to look down. I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. "I...I am trapped. My whole life, my heart has felt like it hasn't belonged in my body. However, that feeling disappeared while I was living among you. I felt welcomed. Like I belonged. You didn't even know me or trusted me, but you gave me a place to stay while I was weak." With each word, my heart began to slow and I felt more confident. "I truly feel at home here. With the Humans, I am nothing but a caged bird. A future wife and mother. Here, I am Anna. My own person. Please, I am begging from the very bottom of my heart, let me perform the Rite. Let me become Luna. I promise with every ounce of my being that I will prove myself worthy."

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