Chapter 29: A Battle for the Ages

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"The Alpha shall be here momentarily." Raimi bowed, exiting the room.

We were inside the East Fortress, which was built into the largest mountain peak overlooking the main city. On our journey here, we got a glimpse of how Feroxi life was. The city itself was not a wasteland of grumpy wolves, but instead a beautiful city of stone and pine. Wolves were happy and playful! We even saw a few human children building snowmen!

The interior of the fortress throne room was a huge contrast of The Great Tree's. There were red Feroxi banners hanging from the walls, torches in stone sconces, and a plethora of weapons and armor decorating every empty space.

Only a few people were allowed to attend the audience, so the rest of the Shepherds were being shown to their quarters. The prince and princess were in attendance, of course, along with Frederick. However, to my surprise, they allowed me to come.

Lissa said it was because I was Chrom's impulse control.

"This place is so cool! I can't wait to go exploring later!" Lissa exclaimed, head darting to look at every square inch of the room.

"Where do you suppose the Alpha is?" I asked.

"Training, I suppose," Frederick replied. "Like I said, battle is their politics. What's interesting in Ferox is that the role of Alpha is not given by blood: it is determined by strength. The Alpha will choose someone as their beta and train them to become the next Alpha once they die or step down."

Sounds like the Feroxi follows the pack dynamics that humans know about... "I-I see."

A sudden bark snapped our attention. Out of the main hallway stepped a large she-wolf. Her fur was a light, dusty brown, and a stripe of blonde stretched from her muzzle all the way down her back.

She stalked to the front of the room, then shifted. "Welcome, Ylisseans. I am Flavia, East-Alpha," she spoke, voice loud and proud. "I apologize for the trouble at the entrance. Know that your pack is always welcome within our walls."

Chrom dipped his head. "Thank you, Alpha Flavia. I'm sure we can put this misunderstanding behind us." I've never heard speak like this... Has he had to make diplomatic speeches before?

"Those damned Plegian mutts dare cross our borders and pose as Ylisseans. They've even stolen your scent and everything!" Flavia scoffed. "If only they had Ylissean brains, then maybe we would have believed their tricks. Seems like they see benefit in causing tensions with our packs."

"Damn them!" Chrom cursed. Frederick gave him a stern look. "Er, I apologize for my crude language."

Instead of being offended by such uncouth behavior, the Alpha nodded. "Damn them indeed! And damn delicacy!" she chuckled. "Here, we appreciate plain speech."

Chrom and I exchanged a look and shrugged. "Right. Well... Maybe you should talk to your damn border guards."

Flavia laughed more. "That's Feroxi diplomacy if I've ever heard it! Oh, I like you, Prince Chrom," she sighed. "But, all jokes aside, I know why you're here. And unfortunately, I cannot help you."

Lissa's eyes nearly bugged out of her head. "What?! Why?!"

Flavia shrugged. "I lack proper authority."

Chrom frowned. "Forgive me, but aren't you the Alpha?"

"One of the Alphas," she explained. "See, since Regna Ferox is such a large pack, we have two ruling Alphas. And not just the Alpha and their mate. There is an East-Alpha and West-Alpha. To keep order and the pack still united, one Alpha always acquires complete sovereignty of the pack." As she spoke more, she paced around the room. "This sovereignty is determined by a tournament every few years; the victor receiving it. The West-Alpha won last time, so my hands are tied."

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