Chapter 11: Twin Gods

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After a week, I had gotten used to everything. Chrom's friends randomly popping into my room became a regular occurrence, and one I did not mind. The whole concept of the Luna's existence was now normal to me. And, I was recovering day by day.

The first few days, I was ordered bed rest and was unable to get up. Then, I was allowed to stand and walk, but only in my room or in The Great Tree. Finally, I was allowed to journey about as I pleased; as long as I had an escort with me.

"You're going to love the Shopping District, Anna!" Sumia exclaimed.

Her best friend, Cordelia, giggled. "Slow down, Sumia. She cannot walk as fast as us."

Other than Chrom and Lissa, Sumia and Cordelia were the ones to visit me the most. We would often gossip and ask each other questions. My relationship with them felt a lot like the one I had with Sasha.

I smiled nervously at them, hobbling along on my crutches. "You guys, we're barely out of The Great Tree. You don't have to wait up for me," I said.

Cordelia shook her head, her red locks tossing about. "No, you don't know your way around the city," she smiled. "We're honored to be the ones to show you around."

Sumia's eyes twinkled with excitement. "Yeah! This is going to be so much fun!"

"I-if you say so..."

I'm so nervous... This is the first time I'm going out in public since I arrived here! Will wolves be wary of me? Will I get attacked? Chrom's friends have been friendly towards me, but will everyone else?

"Hey, turn that frown upside down, Anna." Sumia placed a hand on my shoulder, throwing me off balance. "Ah! Sorry!" She helped me regain my composure. "A-anyway, we're going to have a fun time. I promise. Don't be so worried."

I looked down at the ground. "I-it's easy for you to say that when you know everyone will accept you..."

Cordelia drew in a breath. "That's what this is about," she sighed. "Don't pay attention to any jerks, Anna. They don't deserve your time."

My anxiety still remained. "But I want them to trust me! If I'm going to be staying here for a while, I want any unrest of me to go away."

"Keep your head high," Sumia said. "You can do this. Besides, you're with two Shepherds and respected knights to the Alpha. What do you think wolves are gonna do?"

I laughed. "Very well. I'll try to stay confident."

As I tried to focus my attention on my two companions the whole trip, I couldn't help but notice the reactions of those around us. Some had no reactions at all, some glared, some whispered amongst each other... But some were kind. They said hello, smiled, waved. Everything that was considered a friendly greeting.

Keep my head high. I can do this. Don't let anyone get me down.

"Ah! We're here!"

My town was home to a very, very impressive marketplace and bazaar, but it paled in comparison to what the Luna have built.

Shops were built into trees and roots, a few booths were scattered around. The area was open and inviting to everyone. Vendors were advertising their wares and goods as everyone walked about. To my surprise, the platform we were walking on changed from wood to pale, sandstone brick paths.

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Call of The WildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora