Chapter 6: What to do

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"Couldn't you have caught something more normal?" Lissa shifted uncomfortably away from the bear that was roasting in front of us.

By the time Chrom and Frederick came back from their hunt, it was almost dark. After the amount of time it took to prepare the bear, the moon was high in the sky and the stars danced. My leg was wrapped up in bandages but still had the stick-splint. All of my anxieties seemed to go away as I spent time with the springy cleric. She had an aura of happiness radiating off of her.

I was still in shock that the Luna existed, but I accepted it faster than I thought I would. I was finally able to enjoy the scenery and it calmed me down immensely. We were settled on the edge of a river in a patch of grass and pebbles. Across the river, the forest continued; which I assumed continued on for a while. Crickets and owls sang a haunting night melody, but it was oddly calming. The fire cracked and warmed me up, the scent of roasting bear meat filled the air.

My mouth was watering already.

"It was all we could find, Lissa," Chrom laughed, taking the chunks of meat off the spit and passing them out to everyone.

Lissa eyed her portion warily. "Ehh... I don't like bear meat! It's too gamey and chewy!"

"Naga blessed us with this kill, Lissa," Frederick said. "We should not let it go to waste."

She glared at him. "Really? Then why aren't you eating, hmm?" She stared accusingly at his chunk of meat.

He flushed in embarrassment. "I-I had a large lunch!" he cleared his throat and looked away.

"Yeah, right," Lissa groaned, pushing her meat away.

"Just eat it, Lissa. Meat is meat," Chrom smiled, swallowing a piece down.

Lissa crossed her arms and sighed. "I'm allowed to not like meat, Chrom! Especially when it tastes like old boots!" she exclaimed. "Right, Anna? ...Anna?"

I had already wolfed down half of my meat, glancing up at her. "Didja sa somthin?" I asked, my mouth full.

Chrom snickered as Lissa rolled her eyes. "I guess you would be willing to eat anything after not eating for days."

"Oh, I've eaten bear before," I chuckled nervously. "They're hard to hunt but well worth it when you do! I would've thought that wolves wouldn't have such a picky pallet."

Lissa opened her mouth to respond but Chrom took the opportunity from her. "We're usually ok with whatever meat we have, but my sister here can't stand anything! For example, she can't stomach the thought of ingesting raw meat."

"Hey! Shut up! I love most meats!" She stuck her tongue out at her brother. "And every wolf has their own tastes! Frederick doesn't like raw meat!"

I shuttered. "Blech, raw meat sounds both disgusting and dangerous!"

Chrom laughed at us. "Whatever, picky eaters." He turned to Lissa. "So, what's the verdict? Are we taking Anna with us?"

Lissa sighed. "I managed to patch up her leg to the best of my ability, along with most of her wounds, but I don't think it's enough. We need to take her back home for proper care. If we leave her like this, it's likely that she will die. Plus, it sounds like she doesn't even know her way back."

Frederick stared daggers into me. "It's her fault for ending up here in the first place! She shouldn't even be here!" he snarled. "How did you even navigate your way through the forest and into Luna territory?"

His words made my blood boil. "Hey, if your father tried to force you to stay in one place forever, you would go crazy, too!" I glared at him. "How would you feel if you were never allowed in the forest again? How would it feel to never feel the wind on your face? To never feel free?"

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