Chapter 24: Plan of Action

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Word of the attack must have spread.

The moment we entered Ylisstol, we saw wolves in panic. My heart dropped when I saw a few groups of injured hunters being tended to by healers and questioned by guards. Oh, gods... That could've been me...

"Hey! You guys in the attack, too?" Sully shouted, running to us. Virion was close behind.

"Yeah, we were," Chrom replied. "Are you two all right?"

Virion nodded. "As right as we can be," he sighed. "My my, poor Anna is paler than milk!"

I stiffened slightly at his words. Dammit, I thought I was concealing my fear well! "U-uh..."

"Leave her alone, Virion. Anyone would be shaken up after an attack." Lissa glared at him.

Frederick cleared his throat. "I hate to break up this reunion, but we must make haste to Emmeryn," he said.

"Right as ever, Frederick," Chrom sighed. "Report to the Garrison in an hour. I want to have a word with everyone."

Sully gave him a casual salute. "As you say, Captain."

Lissa tugged on my arm as we started walking again. "Do you want us to walk you home?" she asked. "You don't have to come with us to Emm, you know."

I shook my head. "No, I want to go. This is an important matter."

"Yes, Emm will want to hear from her," Chrom spoke. "We need every report we can get of this attack."

Lissa frowned. "But she's in shock! We can't force her to talk about-"

"Enough," I sighed, looking up at the princess. "I appreciate your concern for me, Lissa. Truly, I do. I may be scared out of my mind and confused, but I'm not going to sit back and do nothing. I want to help."

Frederick hummed in agreement, keeping his eyes trained on the Great Tree. "Well spoken."

"C'mon, we're almost there," Chrom said. "We'll soon figure out what to do."


There was even more chaos when we entered the Great Tree. Guards were attempting to calm the crowds of questioning wolves. The sounds of shouting and barking filled the room.

Frederick sniffed the air, standing a bit straighter; if that was even possible. "Sumia is troubled..."

"You can sense how she's feeling from here?" I attempted to sniff out the she-wolf but to no avail.

He nodded. "She is my mate. I can always sense when something is amiss. When she's in pain, sad, anything," he muttered. "Not only can I smell her fear, but I also feel it in my soul."

"You do share a soul and all," Lissa hummed. "That must be weird, sharing a soul. I don't know if I'd ever get used to it." She shuttered. "I would just want my mate to keep their soul quiet."

Frederick rolled his eyes. "When you find your mate, you will find that soul-silence is more terrifying than good."

"Enough, you two," Chrom sighed. "Frederick, you are dismissed to see Sumia, if you'd would like."

The knight looked like he was about to accept, but he quickly shook his head. "N-no. I wish to be present for this. It is of utmost importance."

"As you say... But at any moment, if you feel like you need to leave, you are allowed."

"Thank you, Milord."

Gods, I hope Sumia is all right. She must be worried about Frederick. Still, Lissa makes a good point. The thought of sharing a soul with someone is indeed odd. I don't know how you'd be able to get used to it!

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