Chapter 23- Indenial

Start from the beginning

Sore loser.

"You can't win against me Jacob don't lie to your self", Carter teases Jacob who huffs before turning and conversing with Coco.

"But you're right. I can't believe it was a tie. Just know I was rooting for you my little gyuwool ", Carter walks up to me pulling me into a bear hug before picking me up and spinning me around which makes me giggle.

"What does gyuwool mean?" I try to imitate the accent when he puts me down.

"It's Winter in Korean".

"Oh right. You've got to teach me one of these days".

"For you, anything", he flirts and I smugly grin.

"Did anyone ever tell you you're a sweet talker".

"Well I think the words they always describe me as are charming, sexy, amazin—".

"Get a room you two", Jacob sniggers.

My head turns to look at Tyler who rolls his eyes dramatically looking bored.

"I'm gonna go get changed I'll be back in a couple of minutes".

"Same", Tyler walks out with me.

"Let's go get food I'm hungry", Coco drags Jacob and Chase along with her.

When me and Tyler are done and get back to the group Carter puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk out.

Jay gives me a wink as he entwines his hands with Jessica and they walk ahead of us leaving Tyler to walk behind us with Jessica and Mateo.

"Ugh Winter I need to speak to Carter and with Mateo. Do you mind walking next to Tyler", Vanessa smirks as I clock on to what she's doing and mumble, "I guess", before she drags them away from us.

He tucks his hands in his jacket pockets and we walk in an awkward silence.

"Is it just me or are they all acting so weird today", I shrug my shoulders acting like I had no clue that the girls were trying to get me and Tyler together.

"I could use a McDonald's right now", he try's to make small talk with me but I can't help but feel even more awkward around him.

However, I nod in agreement. "That is definitely something I could use. That game kind of drained all my energy".

"How about foods on me?"

I raise an eyebrow, "I'm perfectly capable of paying for myself but thanks", I can sense him looking at me in thought.

"Let me rephrase that for you. I'll buy you the food".

"I guess I can't turn down free food", this makes him smile and I admire that expression because he always seemed to scowl and frown. The small moments he did smile I savoured because it was a good look for him, an adorable one. I mean he still could pull off the nonchalant expression he usually put on whilst shrugging and acting like he didn't have any care about any thing in this world however, his smile was charming and could make any girl swoon.

Tyler pauses so I do the same in confusion looking at him.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure", I study his expression trying to read it but he blinks blankly at me licking his lips in the process.

"Are you and Carter like a thing?"

I furrow my eyebrows together and can't help but laugh out loud at the prospect of me and Carter. He was hot that was true and I liked him, but I'd never really thought of me and him being more than just friends.

"Why would you think that?"

"The way you act around each other I guess", he shrugs his shoulders.

"—and how do we act around each other?"

"Like a couple".

"I don't know what you've been seeing but there's nothing going on with me and Carter".

Why did he even care?

Why was he even asking me about Carter?

It was so random and me and Carter had only recently started hanging out together but it was never alone and always with the whole squad.

"I mean. It wouldn't be so bad. You guys would be good together".

I frown at what I hear feeling my stomach sink in disappointment. I felt like I had gotten another slap to my face for the second time today further confirming that Tyler didn't have any real feelings for me.

Maybe Vanessa was right, I was in denial of my feelings but that was because I didn't want to get hurt.

But it was too late. His words stung even though he never meant to deliberately hurt me, he was obliviously doing that.

"Maybe we would be. Ugh I'm going to catch up with the others I've got to speak to Jay about something", I don't make eye contact with him because I'm lying to his face instead I march forward hurriedly trying to catch up with the rest of the group leaving him alone.

I felt like I needed to distance myself away from him just so I could breathe properly and think. Or maybe, it was just to recover from the blow I had gotten in the gut when he told me I'd be good together with another guy.

But I'd distance myself after I got that free McDonald's meal he had offered to buy me.

After that, I had to cleanse my mind of Tyler Wyatt and maybe even take up that offer with Cameron Sutton.



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