Chapter 7- Eventful Start

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So yes I had forgiven Jay easily after being mad literally an hour ago but I was going to try to move on and get along with the "changed" Jessica Mitchell. My fists clenched at the very name but I took a deep breath.

Jay parked the car and we stepped out.

It was a new year and I was finally a sophomore the year that counted the most. I looked at Jay and he gave me that wink of his that told me everything would be alright.

I hoped that was the case. I pulled my back pack closer to my body before we began to walk through countless students gossiping and catching up eagerly.

See it wasn't like that for me, I didn't have no one to catch up to or talk about the amazing summer I had with the hot mysterious guy like most students did. — and no I didn't have an encounter with a hot mysterious guy in the first place.

I often envisioned a scenario but that was it, and that was because the person I could catch up to and gossip about various things was Jay.

That wasn't the case for Jay as people cheered him on and yelled their hello's. He was the popular one of course and he beamed as he greeted his other friends who dragged him to the side so he mouthed that he'd catch up to me later.

At that very moment I didn't know why I felt so alone but I did. I smiled back at Jay and nodded mouthing back later before stepping into the school halls.

"Name", the lady said from her seat as she typed away at her computer.

"Winter Monroe".

She pauses what she's typing and begins searching through the paper stacks filled with schedules before finding mine.

"Here is your school schedule and locker combination. Have a great first day at school", her tone was blunt and disinterested.

"Thanks?" I take the papers scanning the information.

Locker combo: 79243

"Hey", a voice interrupted my deep analysation of my timetable making me look up.

My heart skips a beat when I realise who was standing in-front of me.

"You didn't mention you were enrolling to Solano High".

"Uh well I didn't really get the chance too after your major tantrum about my brother dating this Jessica chick", Tyler jokes

"That Jessica chick is the biggest bitch I know for your information", I roll my eyes.

"That bitch was just about to come over and apologise but hmm seems like you're the bitch now aren't you?" Another voice spits icily making me spin around wide eyed.

Well shit. Perfect timing. Absolutely what I needed.

Jessica and Jay stood there both scowling at me.

"I thought we spoke about this Winter", Jay looks disappointed and honestly I could slap him right now.

"Okay first of all I said I'd try to be nice so don't give me that pissed look Jay", I shoot out.

"Oh and not that my opinion has changed about you or will ever change any time soon that depends on how you act starting from today", I'm surprised I'm even this confident enough to say this in front of Jessica's face and her expression shows that she too is surprised.

"Okay well I'm going to leave you guys to your bickering, good luck kids", Tyler chuckles as he walks away.

Ugh this was his fault.

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