Chapter 2- Near Death Experience (Exaggeration)

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I checked my phone, it was 2:30 am and I sighed when I pulled myself up scowling at my best friend Jay who was snoring so loudly unaware of how the loud noise coming from his mouth was not making it any easier for me to sleep.

I stared at him having a huge urge to whack a pillow to his face so I could wake him up and tell him to shut the hell up.

Instead, I got up mumbling that I was going to raid his kitchen which he then replied back with what sounded like gibberish.

I walked down the stairs and into the large kitchen only realising how hungry I was when my stomach growled.

Opening the fridge door I took out the box of leftover pizza from last night, licking my lips eagerly I sat down at the kitchen counter and began devouring it.

After I had finished I grabbed a bottle of orange juice and poured myself a glass before opening the back door and stepping into the cold night.

I loved sneaking out to the back garden at night to gaze at the pretty stars and amazing view of the city lights, it was beautiful and peaceful especially at this hour where all you could hear was the silent buzzing and subtle wind blowing.

I smiled happily in my thoughts before I began shivering suddenly aware that I was only in a large T-Shirt that Jay gave me to wear and my legs were very much exposed.

I admired a little longer looking up at the full moon I shut my eyes sighing before tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear and returning back inside.

"What the fuck", I hear someone yell which makes me jump back startled. My heart racing rapidly as I squint trying to make out who it was in the dark.

"Why are you making so much noise?" I hear Jay's grouchy voice mumble behind the intruder.

I, on the other hand, am still recovering from the near-death heart attack I had just experienced.

"Stand back man we have some crazy chick in the house she broke in through the back garden door", the guy yells at Jay.

"Uhm, first of all, I'm not a crazy chick I'm the person who you nearly just gave a heart attack to. Who are you?" I'm irritated for being called a crazy chick by some stranger and the fact I'm wearing nothing but an oversized T-shirt makes me feel very much exposed.

The lights turn on and I squint blinking a couple of times my eyes readjusting to the lights before I stare at the rude guy standing in front of me.

Jay begins to laugh loudly clearly amused at the whole situation before playfully slapping the strangers back.

"Oh, shit... wait, Winter?" It immediately dawns on me when I study the guy's features. 

I gasp wide-eyed, "Tyler?"

"Well now you both know who each other are I'm going back to sleep", Jay grins at me clearly amused by my reaction before turning around to go back upstairs.

"You look different", Tyler states.

"Well we haven't seen each other for years so of course I've changed", I raise an eyebrow as he smiles clearly amused. I suddenly feel very defensive and vulnerable upon his gaze which makes me shift uncomfortably.

Why the hell hadn't Jay told me his older brother was back?

"I guess you're right", Tyler grins his eyes linger down my body studying me clearly a little too long for my comfort which makes my face flame furiously.

"I should get to bed", I quickly march past him wanting to get out of this situation as quickly as possible.

"Wait", he calls out making me halt so I turn around to face him again.

"Ain't that my shirt crazy chick?" He smirks and I scowl at him.

He definitely hadn't changed with his usual annoying teasing but I decided at this moment I wouldn't show him he got to me, instead, I'd take him off guard.

I don't know where the sudden confidence comes from but I find myself reaching for the bottom of the top and pulling it off fully aware that I'm now just in my knickers which thank god are black laced underwear before I walk away throwing the top up in the air dramatically.

"I wondered who had such bad taste in clothing in this house but now I know. Welcome home Wyatt", I say before legging it to Jay's room.

I cannot believe I just did that.

"Damn", I hear him whisper and for some reason this makes me grin.

Damn right.

So what do you guys think of this chapter so far? Of the character winter/ Jay and Tyler? And what do you think will happen in the next couple of chapters? Let me know what you guys think so far by commenting below! Oh and as always don't forget to VOTE (Cote Me)

Marwa ❤️

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