Chapter 6- MAD

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It's like anger boiled down inside my system the feeling of betrayal I just couldn't shake it and yeah some could say I was being dramatic but if you knew her as-well I unfortunately did, you'd understand the very reason why.

I know I should be happy for my best friend and I would have been but why her? She was a bully, who cared about no one but herself.

How could he not see through her bull shit.

I peeked through my window curtain and saw Jay sitting in his car fidgeting uncomfortably as he waited for me to approach him. He knew me very well, and he knew that I hated Jessica and he knew I'd be mad but still, he decided to not only hook up with her which fair enough let it all out of your system I don't care but dating?

Jay Wyatt, my best friend, the player, was dating the devil reincarnated.

I sighed shaking my head as I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror. My face looked a little tired but with a little bit of mascara and concealer it could hide anything really. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs.

"Morning mum", I say smiling as I reach forward and give her a kiss.

"Morning sweetie, how are you?"

"I'm great and mum that smells delicious", I take in the scent of waffles and lick my lips hungrily before leaning towards bailey and giving her a peck on the cheek too.

"You excited for your first day back to school bebe", Bebe was baileys nickname I don't really know how we ended up calling her that but it stuck and after a while she had gotten used to the nickname.

"Excited for school? Not if my life depended on it", she replies sarcastically as she shoved a forkful of waffle in her mouth.

I grin shaking my head, " I gotta go cause Jays waiting for me outside but not before I take this", I grin eagerly as I grab two waffles placing one in a plastic container and taking a bite of the other one moaning at the delicious taste.

"See you later sweetie, be good", mum calls out as I wave at her and Bebe good bye before stepping out the house and walking towards Jay.

I look at him scowling and he gulps but flashes me his stupid charming smile as I get in.

"Don't smile at me, I'm mad at you", I take another bite of my waffle as he chuckles.

"Well I hope this free car ride to school will make up for me not telling", he looks at me sheepishly as I continue to ignore him.

"Come on Winter I ain't starting the car until you give me your famous hugs and tell me you forgive me".

I'm trying to stay mad I really am it's just I can never stay mad at Jay and it was annoying as hell because I could feel an annoying smile sneaking up on my face which makes him laughs.

"There's that beautiful smile I know and love", he pokes my cheek and I smack his hand but begin to laugh.

Damn was I so easy to crack up?

"I hate that I can't stay mad at you but what the hell were you thinking Jay?" I turn to look at him my expression exasperated.

"Okay look I know you hate her and I know she's tormented you in the past and to be fair I lectured her and had a go at her for being such a bitch to you because no matter who I date or like you will always be my number one", he pauses before carrying on.

"And I know I should have told you but she's changed and I believe people can change so please for me, for your sweet sexy handsome best friend can you be nice and accepting? You don't have be best friends but just no cat fights okay?"

I scowl at him before sighing, "fine, but you owe me so and if she so much looks at me wrong I will slap you not her", I cross my arms stubbornly.

"Now drive".

Jay shakes his head and begins to laugh before grinning at me widely, "so can I have some waffles?"

"Don't push it Wyatt".

"Just one bite", he begs so I pass him the container of the extra waffle I had brought for him and he grins and pulls me into a hug.

"That's why I love you winnieeeee", and that was the annoying nickname he had for me.

"Okay I love you too now drive".

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